Vol. 154 No. 19
Please Don't Leave Me, Don't You Go
(Campaign 2000)
Gore's groveling for votes. Bradley's barely asking. What's more effective?
Gore's Secret Guru
(Campaign 2000)
So what accounts for the aggressive new Al? It's partly the expensive advice of feminist author Naomi Wolf
The Buyer's Guide to Congress
(Campaign Finance)
Where there are big issues, there is big money. Just a coincidence?
Death On Autopilot
Payne Stewart, one of the world's best and boldest golfers, dies in the mysterious crash of a private jet
What Were They Thinking?
After Ohio teens are accused of a Columbine-style plot, police investigate just how real their plan was
Firing Blanks
The plot to oust Saddam and the constant pounding from U.S. jets are going nowhere
Hot Genes for Sale?
A website offers eggs--but maybe just for browsing
The Military
Air Force Cleans Dishes, And the Treasury, Fast
A Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes to Stern
Countdown 2000
Clark's New Year Airtime Drops; 10, 9, 8...
Body Shop
When Your Name Isn't Yours
Regulators want to crack down on cybersquatters. But let's not go too far
All Aboard the 21st Century!
Pressing the Germy Flesh
Searching for an alternative to the classic grip-and-grin
In the Realm of Rap, Cricket Takes Root
The sport of English gentry transforms new recruits from gangstas to bowlers
On the Lam with Marty
Cindy Allison, one of embezzler Martin Frankel's gal pals, tells of his not-so-secret life in Europe
Bank On Change
In repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, Congress is giving its blessing to what bankers have already done. Expect fewer banks. Hope for better ones
Moving to the Big Citi
A Barometer of Black America
Kinder Grind
Forget blocks, dress-up and show-and-tell. Five-year-olds are now being pushed to read. Are we asking too much too soon?
Babe Tube
(The Arts / Television)
Look what Xena has wrought. Series with buxom female action stars are hot--and they're even hotter abroad
Thoroughly Burned Out
(The Arts / Television)
The suffragists and New York City as docu-dozes
A $2 Million Question
(The Arts / Television)
Will Greed, Fox's new prime-time quiz show, be a winner during the November ratings sweeps?
Directly from the Heart
(The Arts / Music)
As he recovers from chronic fatigue syndrome, Keith Jarrett produces a CD of simple grace
Without Limits
(The Arts / Music)
Charlie Haden's latest is eclectic and elegant
Facing a Broken Mirror
(The Arts / Music)
From Fiona Apple, an album of fractured beauty
Divorce, Chinese-Style
(The Arts / Books)
A fine first novel, Waiting, revels in one man's comically thwarted quest for personal happiness
Dead Serious
(The Arts / Theater)
James Joyce with songs? If only it were wackier
Music Of The Heart
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Wes Craven
Jonathan Winters
(The Arts / Q+A)
Letters Of The Century
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Edited by Lisa Grunwald and Stephen J. Adler
Hotel LaChapelle
(The Arts / Short Takes)
David LaChapelle
The Faces Of Love
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Jake Heggie
(The Arts / Short Takes)
ABC, Nov. 7
Teenage Sex
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Pregnancy is down among teens, but they're still having sex too soon. What's a parent to do?
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Was that your stock blowing up? Here are some rules for handling sudden price plunges
Don't Be E-Hoaxed
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Even the brightest of us fall for chain mail. Some of it is malicious. Here's what to do
Senior Moments
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Memory lapses may be normal or a sign of Alzheimer's. A new book tells the difference
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
House Swapping
(Time Select Travel)
How to make their casa your casa--and vice versa--as a great vacation alternative
Are Time-Shares Worth It?
(Time Select Travel)
Michael Hart
(People To Watch)
Beyond 2000
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Can I Live To Be 125?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
If you don't, your children may, thanks to scientists looking for longevity genes. But who will want to live that long?
Can We Forget About Alzheimer's?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Maybe not now, but the future is looking brighter
Got Any Good Drugs?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Gene-spliced medicines will replace what surgeons do and fit like a tailored suit
Can I Grow A New Brain?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Probably not, but the latest research in neural stem cells suggests new ways to repair damage and even re-create whole parts of the brain
Will Christopher Reeve Walk Again?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Spinal injury once meant a lifetime in a wheelchair. Down the road, many of the paralyzed will be on their feet
Will Robots Make House Calls?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Not quite, but smart technology will revolutionize health care
...And Will They Go Inside Us?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Given the promise of nanotechnology, it's a safe bet
When Will We Cure Cancer?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Sooner rather than later for many malignancies
Will Be Still Need To Have Sex?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Birds do it. Bees do it. But we may no longer have to do it--except for the fun of it
Will We Keep Getting Fatter?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
That's what we're programmed to do--unless we find some genes that will switch off fat metabolism
Will We Still Eat Meat?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Maybe not, if we wake up to what the mass production of animal flesh is doing to our health--and the planet's
What New Things Are Going To Kill Me?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
As we make headway against the old diseases, the ticking time bomb in the next century will be the new microbes-- natural and man-made
What Will Happen To Alternative Medicine?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Though some therapies will become mainstream, most will go the way of snake oil and orgone booths
Will We Run Out Of Gas?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
No, we'll have plenty of carbon-based fuel to see us through the next century. That's the problem
Can We Make Garbage Disappear?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Through the magic of recycling and modern alchemy, we will move swiftly toward a world without waste
Will Malthus Be Right?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
His forecast was ahead of its time, but nature may still put a lid on humanity
How Hot Will It Get?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
No one knows for sure, but the potential perils of climate change make it unwise for us to ignore the greenhouse effect
What Will Be the Catch of the Day?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Human appetites have devastated the marine world, but at last we're searching for ways to protect the oceans' bounty
Will There Be Any Wilderness Left?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Yes, there will be a few untamed spots, and if we're lucky, very few people will go and visit them
What's For Dinner?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Our chef whips up a tasty meatless meal that's good for you--and for nature too
Can I Replace My Body?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
What Would A Green Future Look Like?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
...And Will We Ever Cure AIDS?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
A vaccine is possible, but the final death toll depends on how Asia copes
If We're All A Little Pudgier In 2025, So What?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
You could grant me eternal life, but if it were in a world without chocolate, I'd pass
Could A Clone Ever Run For President?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Dolly is out, but how about "All the way with a cloned L.B.J."?
...And Then How Cold?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
Warming may affect sea currents, triggering an ice age
Will We Ever Cure...
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
The answers will comfort the shiny and sneezy, but the smelly are out of luck
Can You Make My Kid Smarter?
(Visions 21 / Health & Environment)
A dispatch from the frontiers of 21st century genetics
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