Monday, Nov. 08, 1999
A Barometer of Black America
EXCLUSIVE An in-depth survey of African Americans finds a mood of optimism, a desire to gain more control over their lives and surroundings, and a commitment to stay at the cutting edge of culture and technology. Among the poll results:
Happiness And Security
% of African Americans who say they are happy
1992 56% 1995 65% 1999 89%
% of African Americans who are very concerned about losing their job
1992 50% 1995 46% 1999 39%
Safety and School
% of African Americans who are very concerned about
GANG VIOLENCE 1992 65% 1995 64% 1999 50%
DRUG ABUSE 1992 70% 1995 68% 1999 48%
% of African Americans who have a lot of confidence in public schools
1992 30% 1995 29% 1999 19%
% of African Americans who are very concerned about the lack of African-American role models today
1992 57% 1995 51% 1999 46%
% who say all or most of their personal satisfaction comes from home or family
[African Americans] 69% [Whites] 60%
% who feel religion is very important
[African Americans] 73% [Whites] 46%
% of African Americans who have a great deal of confidence in religious leaders
1992 49% 1995 48% 1999 35%
Health and Leisure
% who say they strongly need to take measures to ensure their future health will be good
[African Americans] 63% [Whites] 39%
% who say they need more excitement in their life
[African Americans] 71% [Whites] 53%
How many hours of TV do you watch each weekday?
[African Americans] 5.1 [Whites] 3.6
% with a computer at home
[African Americans] 28% [Whites] 50%
% who use the Internet
[African Americans] 23% [Whites] 37%
% who think it is essential to keep up with the latest technology
[African Americans] 75% [Whites] 69%
From the African-American monitor, a door-to-door poll taken in February-April 1999 by Don Coleman Advertising/Yankelovich Partners of 1,013 African Americans, and from the Yankelovich Monitor taken during the same time, which included 1,837 whites. Sampling errors are +/- 3.1% and +/- 2.3% respectively.