Monday, Nov. 08, 1999


By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Mathew Cooper, Andrew Goldstein, Tam Gray, Lina Lofaro, Desa Philadelphia and Chris Taylor

$200 million Amount Federal Express paid to rename Washington Redskins' Landover stadium "FedEx Field" for the next 27 years, the most costly stadium deal ever

$631 million Fed Ex's profits for the 1999 fiscal year

10 Maximum games the Redskins will play at the stadium every year

17%, 27% Proportion of U.S. men and women, respectively, who "constantly think about their looks," according to a new survey of vanity in 30 countries

47%, 65% Men and women who obsess over their looks in Venezuela, making it the vainest place surveyed

3.5 Average GPA of high school students with pets--including fish--0.3 ahead of non-pet owners

200 Extra points scored on the SAT by students who keep fish, compared with non-pet owners

3 seconds Estimated attention span of a goldfish Sources: The Washington Post, AP, Roper Starch Worldwide, American Pet Products Manufacturers Association