Vol. 153 No. 24
Who Chose George?
(Campaign 2000)
It took luck, hard work and a brand name for Governor Bush of Texas to become the front runner. Now the question is, Can he make it to the White House?
How George Got His Groove
(Campaign 2000)
The late-blooming Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and found a road that led him to the statehouse and beyond. Here's how
Taking Aim at Show Biz
Most of the post-Littleton lawmaking has focused on guns. Now it's Hollywood's turn to squirm
Dad Says, "I Don't Miss Politics"
(Campaign 2000)
But that may be because he's got something better: a family legacy to watch over
Why Carding Kids Is a Bad Idea
(First Person)
Who Really Won?
Upstaged by Russia, NATO now faces the thankless task of occupying Kosovo
Is This the End For Milosevic?
What Global Warming?
As the world heats up, the public simply goes cold
Brain Repair Tool Kit
(In Brief)
Cellblock Seniors
They have grown old and frail in prison. Must they still be locked up?
Grab Your Breastplate!
Everquest reinvents the Web role-playing game
60-Second Symposium
TV Dads: Who Brings Home How Much Bacon
The Man Show Cometh
Don't Tell China
Flower Power
The Greatest Dad in the World
Harvard vs. the School Of Hard Knocks
Two graduations the same day are poles apart in privilege but on a par in spirit
Internet IPOs: What Goes Up...
Cyberstocks soared when the supply was thin. This year some $20 billion in Net shares will reach the market. Guess where prices are going
Can the Mouse Click on the Net?
Hitched in Home Room
Seeking to curb divorces, schools are teaching the facts of married life. Is it for better or for worse?
Zoey Had Two Moms
A lesbian couple breaks up, and the birth mom wants sole custody. Is that fair?
Ending the Roundups
With Chicago's antiloitering law struck down, California is a model for how to fight street gangs
Going Goofy at the Movies
(The Arts / Cinema)
What will save the world this summer? Wacky films with dogs, dudes, Dick, dads, and mom's apple pie
Austin's Power
(The Arts / Cinema)
He's back. And with enough mojo to be even bigger than he was the last time
Dessert, Anyone?
(The Arts / Books)
Thomas Harris' Hannibal tracks the evil gourmand through a third course
Motown Motormouths
(The Arts / Music)
A new generation of white Detroit rappers is scoring Top 10 hits. Should you believe the hype?
Fine Reflections
(The Arts / Music)
Sarah McLachlan's old songs find new life in Mirrorball
Youth Will Be Served
(The Arts / Music)
Charlotte Church is classical's new teen queen
White Oleander
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Janet Fitch
Parker and Stone Try Not to Punk Out
(The Arts / Cinema)
The Hairstons: An American Family In Black And White
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Henry Wiencek
An Ideal Husband
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Oliver Parker
Push Comes To Shove
(The Arts / Short Takes)
American Ballet Theatre
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Hey, Baby, Let's Misbehave!
(The Arts / Cinema)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Fiction Drills
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Summer's here, and your child isn't reading? Time to start a book boot camp--for both of you
A Real R2D2?
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Finally, a household robot designed to ease the burdens of humankind. But does it really work?
Are Cigars Safe?
(Personal Time / Your Health)
No. But that message has been getting lost as they rise in popularity. Here's the latest evidence
Your Family
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Puppy Love
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
The Easy Riders
(Time Select / Family Travel)
How one family (the writer's) exploits technology to keep the peace on its annual summertime trek
The Lice Breakers
(Time Select / Family)
In the end, only hard work and a hands-on search get rid of these little suckers
They're All About Family
(Time Select / Family)
A safety manual, an ethics primer for kids, an unusual family album and a guide for adults who want to share
"Are We There Yet?"
(Time Select / Family Travel)
Getting there is seldom the fun part of the annual family holiday jaunt. But it need not be that way. Here are some TIME-tested tips--not only for surviving but for thriving on the highway with a carl
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