Vol. 132 No. 9
American Notes LOS ANGELES
Monuments to Wackiness
American Notes LOUISVILLE
Too Late the Fountain
American Notes NEVADA
Cheering An A-Test
American Notes SCHOOLS
Hollywood's Bad Example
American Notes WEATHER
The Summer Takes Its Toll
The Republicans: The Quayle Quagmire
Despite an eloquent speech, Bush emerges from New Orleans less than triumphant
Neither "Negligent" Nor "Culpable"
The Pentagon rules out punishment for the Iran Airbus shootdown
The Presidency
Riding into the Sunset
The Republicans
A Big Time in the Big Easy Bork balks, Barry boils and Barbara gets snaked
The Republicans
Bush: "I Have to Wait and See"
The Republicans Drawing the Battle Lines
This time around, many more states are up for grabs
The Republicans Family, Golf and Politics
Affable but inexperienced, Quayle is a man used to winning
The Republicans
Greetings, You Have Been Selected For Americans now over 33, the draft was a painful rite of passage
The Republicans
Quayle on the Record
The Republicans
The Envelope, Please . . .
Afghanistan Careful Exit from An Endless War
As the Soviets split, the government and rebels take over the battlefield
Burma New Man, Old Setup
Protests continue as Rangoon gets its third leader in a month
Czechoslovakia Of Laughter and Not Forgetting
How a man and his country have fared since the 1968 invasion
Israel Up, Up, Up and Away
Jerusalem is set to launch its first satellite into space
Middle East Sometimes a Great Notion
Facing fresh pressures, the P.L.O. debates recognizing Israel
Pakistan Death in the Skies
A suspicious crash kills President Zia and destabilizes a nation
Scusi, Your Libido Is Showing
Shin Bet's Secret Drive
South Africa Mandela: Down But Not Out
A black leader's illness puts the government on the spot
Western Europe A New Summer of Fatal Traction
Too many drivers are hitting the road -- and whatever is on it
World Notes POLAND
A Striking Celebration
World Notes SUDAN
Flood Time On the Nile
Bloody Saturday
World Notes THE KOREAS
For Once, No Name-Calling
Of Politics and Ex-Bedfellows
Giving Goliath His Due
Archaeologists burnish the Philistines' image
Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
(Health & Fitness)
Minoxidil becomes the first FDA-approved drug for male baldness
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Space-age methods deliver drugs with new punch and precision
In Washington: Lighthawk Counts the Clear-Cuts
(American Scene)
Getting The Foreign Angle
Journalists from 51 countries cope with convention coverage
They Put Him in Writer's Block
A prisoner charges his warden with violating his rights
The Misty Birthplace of Golf
A slice of life, or a life of slice: going home to the bracken and broom
Magazine contents page AUGUST 29, 1988 Vol. 132 No. 9
Magazine masthead AUGUST 29, 1988 Vol. 132 No. 9
Big Bill for a Bullion Binge
(Economy & Business)
A $134 million penalty could bring disaster to the Hunts
Business Notes EXTRAS
(Economy & Business)
Room-Service Running Shoes
Business Notes SECURITY
(Economy & Business)
Attack of the Killer Shrub
Business Notes SHIPPING
(Economy & Business)
Boon for a Boondoggle
Business Notes TRADE
(Economy & Business)
Sliding Back Into the Gap
Cracks in The System
(Economy & Business)
Taxpayers may have to shell out billions to rescue the financial industry
Just Wild About Woodies
(Economy & Business)
Cherished by collectors, old powerboats fetch buoyant prices
Oops! Stop Those Policies
(Economy & Business)
The Next President? Who Cares?
(Economy & Business)
In California, the real election issue is car insurance
Help Wanted: Start at the Top
With declining influence, few law-school deans stay on the job
Racial Equality
Tell It to the Rent-a-Judge
Free-lance jurists offer a way to beat court costs and delays
A Rowdy Romp into the Past AIN'T MISBEHAVIN'
Music by Fats Waller; Conceived by Richard Maltby Jr.
Desperately Seeking Starlight
Three top actresses struggle gamely in a trio of failed films
Separation Of Church and Dreck WHEAT THAT SPRINGETH GREEN by J.F. Powers; Knopf; 352 pages; $18.95
Toontownie That's Not All Folks!
by Mel Blanc and Philip Bashe Warner; 275 pages; $17.95
When Folk and Rock Get Together
A tribute to a historic record label brings the past up to date
A Letter From the Publisher
(A Letter From The Publisher)
Acquired Plumage