Vol. 167 No. 13
The Multitasking Generation
(Cover Story / genM)
They're e-mailing, IMing and downloading while writing the history essay. What is all that digital juggling doing to kids' brains and their family life?
A Dad's Encounter with The Vortex of Facebook
Experts say our expanding girth is killing us and costing the health-care system billions. But is this a problem government can solve? Or should?
A Legal Loose Cannon
How does a government lawyer on the Moussaoui case commit a blunder so basic in a trial so big?
Was the War Worth It?
(Time Forum / March 20, 2003 - March 20, 2006)
Three years into the Iraq war, TIME posed the question to a wide array of experts and thinkers. The answers may surprise you
Can the U.S. Prevent This?
On the Block
Man's New Best Friend?
7 Years Ago In TIME
The Vatican's Quiet American
Scoring Snafus
(Speed Read)
Gitmo Goat or Hero?
Update: Randal McCloy Jr.
Our Eyes Are Open. Now What?
(In The Arena)
Twilight In Italy
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / italy vs. china)
What happens when a traditional European industry faces Asian competition? A crisis. Welcome to Manzano, Italy's chair capital
Sitting Pretty
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / italy vs. china)
China's chairmaking industry is booming. But that doesn't mean staying on top will be easy
Heelys Wheel Ahead
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / small business)
The small Texas shoe firm is trying to control its global expansion. That means tackling cheap knockoffs and problem partners
Hot Property
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / investing)
The boomer real estate boom reaches Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua
Speeding Up Renault
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / change agent)
Carlos Ghosn, Nissan's savior, is pushing the French automaker to get into gear
People to Watch In International Business
(Time Bonus Section April 2006: Global Business / world beaters)
Don't Fear the Digital
It's dumbing down our kids? Hardly. Why plugging in is good for you
Collateral Damage or Civilian Massacre in Haditha?
(TIME Investigation)
accident or cold-blooded revenge? A TIME exclusive
The Revenge of the Not-So-Radicals
(Letter From Paris)
strike shows why the French aren't what they used to be
A Crude Warning
The largest oil spill in Alaska's North Slope raises sticky questions about future drilling in the Arctic
Mind over Medicine
Hypnosis as an alternative to sedation is making a comeback in the operating room. Here's how it works
The Spy in Your Pocket
mobile-phone records. And it's all legalso far
Exclusive: Mel Gibson's Apocalyto Now
EXCLUSIVE: You'd think Mel Gibson was all done with violent movies about the past told in a foreign tongue, right? Think again
5 Great New Albums
Twee rock? Alt-country? Dirty R&B? We've got your favorite genre covered
Gandalf in Greasepaint
The Lord of the Rings musical (yep, musical) moves heaven and Middle-earth to do the trilogy justice
The Unholy Alliance
Kevin Phillips believes the U.S. is threatened by a combination of petroleum, preachers and debt
Sleeping-Pill Puzzler
With Kids In Tow
10 Questions For Bette Midler
Read the story
Lobbyists in Love
With power couples, conflict of interest is what makes them interesting