Vol. 166 No. 17
How Apple Does It
(Cover Story / What's Next)
Conventional wisdom says its strategy is wrong, yet it keeps turning out great products. TIME looks inside the world's most innovative company
Messengers of Cool
How new digital networks help hipsters around the globe hunt for the next big thing
Three's Company
A TV show about one man's disparate housewives
Place Your Bets!
On terrorism, on politics, on your future. Why markets will have a say in almost everything
The Road Ahead
getting any better.
Takin' It To The Streets
An ingenious art form is springing up in the unlikeliest city locales; galleries are noticing
Getting Inside Your Head
goes mainstream, Big Business hopes to decode the brain's secrets
Clint's Double Take
Eastwood directs two films on the battle of Iwo Jima: one from the U.S. side, the other from the Japanese
Ready For Lift-Off
How Tennessee's dynamic Candace Parker will change the face of women's sports
What's Next ... With The Amish
Biochips for Everyone!
Global Visions
Get Set for Girl Power
Can New Orleans Do Better?
After his Katrina performance, mayor Ray Nagin needs to show he's the one to revive the city
Why They Can't Hit The Right Note
(White House Memo)
With even Laura off-key on Miers, Bush plans to change the message--again
Nightmare in the Mountains
How delays in getting relief to the Himalayan quake zone have left millions on the edge of survival
Forget Saving the World--Save Our Jobs
(Letter From Berlin)
By electing a new Chancellor, young Germans choose security over big ideas
Professor of Death
sends them on their lethal missions
Target: Trans Fats
How foodmakers are scrambling to rid their tried-and-true recipes of an artery-clogging fat
Squandered Futures
The polished CEO at Refco allegedly cooks the books, then enjoys a bang-up IPO--but not for long
Meet The New Planets
We used to think of the solar system as nine lonely worlds traveling in neat rings around the sun. But the harder astronomers look, the more crowded our cosmic neighborhood seems to become
Not in My Water Supply
10 of TIME's Hundred Best Novels
Our critics chose the finest English-language fiction since the magazine began. Here are some of the surprises
Suckers For Safety
A Stitch In Time ...
Doctor's Orders
Trimming Tech Bills
A Contingency Plan
The fight over the Valerie Plame leak continues
Death In Damascus: Who Pulled The Trigger?
Why was a Syrian minister found dead in his office?
Clinton Connections
Speed Read: Saddam's Trial
(Speed Read)
A primer on the upcoming trial of Saddam Hussein
Bookish Behavior
10 Questions for Lynne Cheney
TIME's 100 Best Novels
(From The Editor)
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