Vol. 165 No. 19
Dark Side Rising
story of the
The Star Wars Family Tree
Six films, a Jedi Council, a set of twins and a secret Sith lord. Who's related to whom and how? You need a Jedi mind trick--or this guide--to keep it straight
How Star Wars Saved My Life
And turned me into an irretrievable geek
A Look Back in Wonder
Star Wars Numbers
Inside the Revolt Over Bush's School Rules
The reddest of all states is leading the charge against No Child Left Behind
Why Gas Won't Get Cheaper
The President's energy plan won't stop the pain at the pump. But there's no reason to panic. Here's why:
Playdate for the Pentagon
In a quest to make troops safer, the military invites companies to show off their latest, greatest gizmos
Jack in a Box
Besieged lobbyist Jack Abramoff offers his take on the ethics scandals roiling Washington and threatening his good friend Tom DeLay
An American Witness
In a new book, an Army sergeant based at Gitmo tells the grim story of the prison camp from the inside
Inside an Insurgent Camp
With a huge upswing in violence in Iraq, a look at the anti-American training camps
The Pentagon's Overseas Alumni Club
Using foreign military officers to win hearts and minds
26 Years Ago In Time
With an estimated 100,000 Iranian bloggers online, debate in Iran spreads to the Internet
Dinosaurs for Creationists
An Arkansas museum teaches that dinosaurs and people co-existed on an Earth that's only 6,000 years old
Must You Have ID To Vote?
A growing number of states are requiring photo IDs to cast a ballot
The ivory-billed woodpecker, thought to be extinct for decades, shows up again in Arkansas
Battling On Benefits
President Bush attempts to outflank Democrats on Social Security
The Perils of Hands-On Diplomacy
(In the Arena)
Ethics of a New Science
(Speed Read)
The National Academy of Sciences releases a set of stem-cell ethical guidelines
Faith and Frat Boys
Can devout Christians reconcile their beliefs with college culture? A look inside one campus
Wynn's Big Bet
with his most ambitious project yet
To War or Not to War
Ridley Scott's ambitious Kingdom of Heaven tries to make a judicious action epic out of the Crusades
Children, Eat Your Trash!
A provocative work argues that pop culture has become brainier--and makes you smarter too
The Atomic Meltdown
Two vivid accounts of what Robert Oppenheimer did for the U.S., and the price he paid for it
7 Books of Poetry Worth Curling Up With
Haven't read a poem since high school? Here's what you're missing
Is It O.K. to Be Pudgy?
That's the question raised by the latest government study. What the findings doand don'treveal
Travel Advisory
The Brights of Spring
A Hybrid for Highbrows
Deals on Wheels
Meta-Hero Worship
(First Look)
She Wished Upon A Star
Idol Speculation
Q&A: Topher Grace
For In Good Company, on DVD May 10, Topher Grace played a boy with a man's job. Grace's first TV job, on That 70s Show, ends May 18.
Read the story
The TIME 100
Shoot First, Regret Legislation Later
Why Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law is a bad ideaand one that could spread
Greener Pastures
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Strategies)
By focusing on "lifestyle" farmers instead of real ones, Tractor Supply Co. found more fertile ground
Get Downloaded
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Biz Briefs)
U in the District
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Half Day In ...)
The Air and Space Museum? Love it. But for a change of pace--and tempo--visit the jazzy environs of U Street
The Arte of Baseball
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / SPORTS)
Arte Moreno has the Angels flying, despite a controversial new name
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Marketing)
America's biggest winery is blending foreign grapes with U.S. salesmanship--and scandalizing the industry. Will wine become homogenized?
Foreign Policy
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Competition)
The U.S. military complex used to buy its wares only from U.S. companies. Not anymore. Is the influx from abroad good or bad?
Making Waves
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Media)
Is he a traitor? Mel Karmazin built a couple of traditional media empires. Now his Sirius satellite firm is challenging the old guard of radio
Talk to The Big Cheese
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / CEO Speaks)
He'll tell you why the menus are changing at the Kraft Food Co.
HAL on Wheels?
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Biz Briefs)
A Bid for Star Power
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Branding)
Can a controversial fashion designer help Estee Lauder revive its flagship brand?
Voice Lessons
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Biz Briefs)
Radio by Phone
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Media)
A New Way to Wing It
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Biz Briefs)
Radio's Last Hope?
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Media)
In Dallas, 100.3 FM is winning listeners with a new format: fewer ads, no DJs, constant music
Revving Up Sales
(Time Bonus Section June 2005: Inside Business / Biz Briefs)