Vol. 160 No. 2
At the Crossroads Of Terror
Inside the clandestine operations center where the CIA tries to anticipate what al-Qaeda will do next
Nature Takes Charge
George W. Kipling
Imperialism is suddenly fashionable. Just ask the Palestinians
32 Years Ago in TIME
A Letter From Osama bin Laden
Bush vs. Arafat
The FBI Pursues An Anthrax Lead
How'd You Like To Rent This Baby?
Heroes of the Bookshelves
Operation Game Boy
Spiritual Saboteurs
The Ties Of Sisterhood
Discovering the Real Lewis and Clark
God Knows What the Court Was Thinking
Deleting him now from the pledge is dumb. But he should be kept out of politics
Nailed for the biggest bookkeeping deception in history, a fallen telecom giant gives investors one more reason to doubt corporate integrity
How to Avoid the Next Stock Bomb
Is Pitt's SEC a Toothless Watchdog?
Longing for Her Salad Days
A Victory For Vouchers
The Supreme Court upholds school choice. But will its decision be the final word on education reform?
Higher Learning
The court also backs schools' right to randomly screen students for drugs
Two For The Road
(The Arts / Movies)
PAUL NEWMAN and TOM HANKS share the screen for the first time in Road to Perdition. In an exclusive conversation, they talk about acting, fathers and sons, and roles they'd like to forget
Sam Mendes' Mythic America
(The Arts / Movies)
The Ice Storm Cometh
(The Arts / Movies)
The Inuit epic Atanarjuat--The Fast Runner is the coolest--and quirkiest--movie of the summer season
Moscow Without Tears
(The Arts / Books)
The Russia Hand tells the inside story of why Bill Clinton spent so much time wooing Boris Yeltsin
Woe Nelly
(The Arts / Music)
A rapper with a great voice and not much to say
Eve's Rib
(Personal Time / 60-Second Synopsis)
Marianne Legato, M.D.
Stop Paying So Much for Mold
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Insurers are dropping homeowners and raising rates. Here's how to get covered and stay that way
The Death of an All-Star
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Darryl Kile's untimely passing shows how hard it is to spot the warning signs of heart disease
Matchless Campfires
(Personal Time / Modern Etiquette)
The Dirt on DEET
(Personal Time / Demystifier)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Long on Skorts
(Personal Time)
Lewis and Clark
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
THE JOURNEY THAT CHANGED AMERICA FOREVER When they launched their wooden boats up the Missouri and into the wilderness, Lewis and Clark were charting the future of America. Two hundred years later, at
Leading Men
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Commanding, cooperative, confident, complementary--why Lewis and Clark were perfectly cast as co-CEOs
What Sacagawea Means To Me (and Perhaps to You)
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
The Slave Who Went with Them
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Tribal Culture Clash
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Participate, profit or protest? Native Americans are sharply divided on the merits of the bicentennial
Fantastic Voyage
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
With their small flotilla heading up the Missouri, Lewis and Clark expected to find an easy water pathway to the Pacific but found the Rockies instead. Nothing they had ever seen before prepared them
Chapters Of Discovery
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
How Lewis and Clark crossed the continent on their epic adventure
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Why the Lolo Is Legend
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
We hike the trail that tested the corps to the limits
Faces of the Trail
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
"I was overjoyed at the sight of this stranger and had no doubt of obtaining a friendly introduction to his nation," wrote Lewis. Soon millions of tourists will follow this path of discovery. Here are
Grizzly's Last Stand
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Its power awed the explorers, but now the great bear is running out of what it needs to live: big wilderness
The Fight over Big Muddy's Flow
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Have You Ever Tried Ashcakes?
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
They ate critters, roots and dusty muffins. Our critic samples the menu
This Land Is Whose Land?
(Lewis & Clark Bicentennial--1803-2003)
Times and priorities change. Woody Guthrie hailed Lewis and Clark for finding a place to build dams. Today his tune might be different
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