Vol. 157 No. 2
Confirmation Bear Traps
As Democrats get set to bloody some of Bush's Cabinet nominees, the divided Senate faces its first test
In The Crosshairs
Four of Bush's more conservative Cabinet choices face opposition from Democrats hoping to bruise the President-elect. Herewith the lineup--and the big targets
Mrs. Carnahan Goes To Washington
Still finding her way, the freshman Senator knows where she's headed
Blasting the Crusader
Why the Army's newest and biggest gun may become a target for Bush's Defense Department
Shall We Dance?
John McCain puts Bush on the spot with a campaign-reform bill the President-elect can't stand
Is A Career A Conflict?
(Lynne Cheney)
When ELF Comes Calling
A radical environmentalist group expands from its Western haunts, staking a claim in the Northeast
How To Thrive On The Hot Seat
(Survival Guide)
The Work Of Assassins
From both sides of the intifadeh, high-tech hit squads and low-tech vigilantes wield street justice
Secrets of the Square
Smuggled out of China, The Tiananmen Papers shows Beijing's nervous leaders at a dangerous time
Parkinson's Disease
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Lubricating Gummed-Up Brains
Brave New Pharmacy
(The Future Of Drugs)
Using high-speed robots and the secrets of the human genome, scientists are changing forever the way they discover new medicines
The Workhorse of Genomic Medicine
(The Future Of Drugs / DNA Microarrays)
How to Design a Molecule
(The Future Of Drugs / Bioinformatics)
Your A To Z Guide To The Year In Medicine
(The Future Of Drugs)
The Antibiotics Crisis
(The Future Of Drugs)
We're in the midst of an escalating arms race with the microbe, and we may be losing
Beyond Needles And Pills
(The Future Of Drugs)
Drug reactions kill tens of thousands of patients each year. Part of the problem is how the medicine is being delivered
The Future Of Drugs
(The Future Of Drugs)
Penne From Heaven
In an era of kitchen showboats, Mario Batali is a back-to- basics master. Just ignore the shorts
Potions From Poisons
(The Future Of Drugs)
Recreational Pharmaceuticals
(The Future Of Drugs)
Finding new party drugs like K and ecstasy won't be easy
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Still No Vaccine, but Better Antiviral Drugs Are on the Way
Alzheimer's Disease
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
New Insights into Its Cause Lead to New Drug Strategies
Autoimmune Diseases
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
New Ways to Intervene When the Body Attacks Itself
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Smart Bombs For Targeting Deadly Tumors
Selling The Sizzle, Not The Steak
(Food / The Food Network)
It's Not Just Athlete's Foot
(The Future Of Drugs / Fungi)
Heart Disease
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Rethinking Treatments For the Heart
Mental Illness
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Probing the Chemistry of The Brain
(The Future Of Drugs / The Hunt For Cures)
Healthy Genes Could Mean Smaller Jeans
Not Just for Prevention Anymore
(The Future Of Drugs / Vaccines)
Orange County Confidential
The double murder on a desolate California road appeared unsolvable. Then the cops got a break
Lost On The Campus
More mentally ill students can cope with college. But what happens to the ones who can't?
What Students Should Do
(Behavior / Staying Afloat)
Buzzing About Safety
The latest studies say there is no cell-phone risk, but many users are making their own decisions about taking precautions
Are Kids at Greater Risk?
(Cell Phones For Children)
60-Second Symposium
What Becomes a Legend Most: F.D.R., True to Life
Theme Dreams
An Excuse To Mention My 1480 Sat Score
Lame-Duck Watch: Parting Shots Edition
How Much Is That Foggy Bottom Tell-All?
(Book Value)
News Quiz
Yesssss, It's Another New Year
Finding Her Own Calcutta
In L.A., "compassionate conservatism" is defined
Power To The People
As California battles just to keep the lights on, heartland homeowners pay dearly to stay warm
Rebirth Of The Z
Putting Nissan back on the road to success is no easy task, but maybe a blast from the past will help
A Nasty Turn For Ford?
An Explorer rollover lawsuit tries to show that the Firestone crisis is not just about tires
Top Performers
(The Arts / Cinema)
We like these films. But what we really love is what these actors do in them. Each is worth keeping your eye on--now, at Oscar time and beyond
Squawking With the Animals
(The Arts / Television)
Animal Planet's show-biz approach has made it a cable hit. Now National Geographic enters the alpha channel's territory
Call Of The Child
(The Arts / Music)
Firings. Lawsuits. And five Grammy nods. Beyonce and Destiny's Child are pop's most-buzzed-about vocal group
Chicks, Not From Dixie
(The Arts / Music)
German band Chicks on Speed is making noise in Europe and in the press. Will Americans listen?
Sundance's Newest Kids
(The Arts / Cinema)
A raucous rocker is leading the latest crop of hopefuls at the upcoming indie festival
More from a Master
(The Arts / Books)
Five previously unpublished short stories by the late Raymond Carver attest to his lasting genius
The Chronicles of a Dynasty in the Making
(The Arts / Books)
Patriarch Joseph Kennedy's papers offer a cumulative portrait of a hard, enigmatic man
Identity Gap
(The Arts / Books)
A memoir of growing up biracial falls too short
Gary & Mike UPN, Fridays, 8 p.m. E.T.
(The Arts / Short Takes)
An Hour Before Daylight By Jimmy Carter
(The Arts / Short Takes)
State And Main Directed By David Mamet
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Wow Flash! Elvis Crespo
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Three Sisters NBC, Tuesdays, 9:30 p.m. E.T.
(The Arts / Short Takes)
The Blame Game
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Analysts missed the tech meltdown. They should have known better, but shouldn't you too?
Seeking Radio Me
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Are there music stations that broadcast only the tunes you like? Yes, but most just give you static
Don't Pass the Salt
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Cutting back on sodium is a good idea if you have hypertension. And even if you don't
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
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