Vol. 156 No. 21
College Bound?
(Election 2000)
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Electoral College system--and now have to ask
A Dad Reflects On His Family
(Election 2000)
Remembering his own tribulations, the ex-President hangs tough for his son
What We'll Remember
(Election 2000)
Great deeds or unkept promises? Economic triumph or moral failure? The Clinton era is in the eye of the beholder
Running For History
(Election 2000)
In his final months, Clinton has been as busy as ever, waging his campaign for the ex-presidency
On The Trail
(Election 2000)
How To Read Al's Mood
(Election 2000 / The Gore Campaign)
The Baseball Blackout
(Election 2000 / The Bush Campaign)
The Kids In The Hall
(Election 2000 / The Gore Campaign)
Did He Really Say That?
(Election 2000 / The Bush Campaign)
This Old House
(Election 2000)
Two hundred years after John Adams became the first President to move in, the White House, heavy with history, prepares to welcome America's 43rd Chief Executive
It's A Mess, But We've Been Through It Before
(Election 2000 / Electoral College Debate)
A popular majority was frustrated three times in the past. Democracy survived
Setting The Tone
(Election 2000)
Day One, as the New Guy hits the ground stumbling
Capitol Hill
(Election 2000)
If time doesn't heal all wounds, a Senate seat just might. After a dogged campaign, the First Lady gets a chance to work on a legacy all her own
What It Took
(Election 2000)
The winner is still uncertain, but here's the inside story of the key moments that propelled Bush and Gore to a deadlocked Election Day
No Apologies
(Election 2000)
Green Party nominee Ralph Nader, the most vilified man in the presidential election, counts no heroes among his critics
Don't Blame Me
(Election 2000)
I voted for Nader as a genuine protest. If Gore loses, he did it all on his own
Eye Of The Storm
(Election 2000)
Florida's 25 electoral votes will decide the next President. But first comes the struggle to decide who should get them
New Faces In The Senate
(Election 2000)
The fresh players who will be joining the upper house, where calls will be closer and debates more divisive
How Can He Govern?
(Election 2000)
With the power of the office sapped and Congress split, will the job be worth having?
The Not-So-Invisible Man
(Election 2000)
Risking a Lot, Winning a Little
(Election 2000)
The Hidden Beauty Of The System
(Election 2000 / Electoral College Debate)
It gives the states a chance to be heard, but the electoral voting should be automatic
...And Its Musty Old Quirks
(Election 2000 / Electoral College Debate)
It feels antiquated now that the presidency is more important and the states less so
Breaking Down The Electorate
(Election 2000)
Reversal of... ...Fortune
(Election 2000)
For a few moments, each side thought it had captured the presidency, only to lose it again. An inside look at that historic night and the war that has begun
The Prickly Pragmatist
(Election 2000)
Partisan from the Prairie
(Election 2000)
It's a Crisis! But Largely on Cable
(Election 2000)
Hold the hysteria, please. There's plenty of time for us to sort out this mess
TV Makes A Too-Close Call
(Election 2000)
The networks' Florida flip-flops threw election night into chaos and undercut viewer confidence. But the media are still driving the postelection campaign
For Moments Like This, I Love This Country
(Election 2000)
Despite, if not because of, its quirks
Election Notebook
(Election Notebook)
The Envelope, Please
(Election Notebook)
TIME's Campaign 2000 awards honor notable achievements by politicians, their supporters and the local fauna
The Chosen People Who Can't Choose
(Election Notebook)
That's Some Frequency
(Election Notebook)
(Election Notebook / Milestones)
Yeah, and Your Elections Are, Like, So Much Cooler
(Election Notebook)
Decisive News
(Election Notebook)
Fun With Democracy
(Election Notebook)
Let's Elect By Counting, Not Spinning Or Suing
(Election 2000)
Gore should take a lesson from Nixon
Why a Split Decision Is a Sign of Sanity
(Election 2000)
We're locked in an exquisite immobility
(Election Notebook / Numbers)
If The Revolution Is Televised
(Election Notebook)
Where We Go from Here
When the Going Gets Weird...
...Florida takes the wheel. And this time, we're taking you with us
The First Draft of History
Seuss On The Loose
(Show Business)
The Grinch goes to Hollywood, the Cat and Horton go to Broadway, and now, after their beloved creator's death, his widow goes to market
Treats That Speak Volumes
Save precious shopping time with our guide to the best reading for kids, cooks and that fussy aunt in Dubuque
Measuring Up
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Obesity in young boys is on the rise, and so are eating disorders. Whose fault is that? Try G.I. Joe
Buy The Bust-Ups
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Both acquisitions and divestitures are booming. For investors, bigger is almost never better
Play It Again, Lev
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Someday digital video recorders will revolutionize the way you watch television. But not quite yet
'Tis The Season...
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Holiday weight gain is something everyone struggles with. Here are some tips to avoid it
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
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