Vol. 154 No. 24
The Power and The Story
(Campaign 2000)
Prison shaped his character. Scandal shaped his crusade. But is John McCain's biography enough to take him to the White House?
Bush's New Fraternity Brothers
(Campaign 2000)
The front runner could have no better protectors than the Republican Governors
Lone Ranger
(Campaign 2000)
Never a scripted politician, the unguarded John McCain warms to New Hampshire, and vice versa
"Why Do People Have To Push Me Like That?"
The torment and murder of a gay soldier cast a harsh light on the practice of "Don't ask, don't tell"
Trophies and an Iguana
(Campaign 2000)
Where McCain Hits Bush The Hardest
(Campaign 2000)
The Diagnosis: "Stable"
(Campaign 2000)
War over a Poster Boy
A child who escaped Cuba to the U.S. is fought over by relatives, and politicians, in both countries
Orphans of AIDS
Ten million live in sub-Saharan Africa. TIME asks some what they need
Valley Of Death
How arrogance and violence bred a massive drug-war slaughter
Murder by Fire
A reclusive banker falls victim to a vicious attack
Greenhouse Effects
Global warming is well under way. Here are some telltale signs
Doctors' Deadly Mistakes
Medical errors kill up to 98,000 Americans yearly; a new report says that number could be cut drastically
An Accident Waiting to Happen?
(Medicine / Doctors In Training)
Did Polio Researchers Create AIDS?
(Medicine / The Origins Of Disease)
Bill's Block
Why Clinton's potential best seller is stalled out
The Thorn in Pete Rose
With public sentiment shifting to his side, the hit king wants back into baseball. But on his terms
(Online Shopping Guide)
TIME DIGITAL's pick of the best sites on the Web--to buy the right gift right now
If You Missed the Cold War, You'll Enjoy This
Rattled In Seattle
Did Somebody Say McLiar?
When Animals Go Bad
Middle East
Barak and Arafat: Talking but Not Agreeing
Cat Scratch Fever
Hard Sell
The List
Ask Dr. Notebook
Then & Now
The Mystical Power of Free Trade
Some people find it hard to believe it really works, but it does
A Safe Place to Be Till The Folks Calm Down
A new kind of shelter helps troubled parents stop child abuse before it starts
Rage Against The Machine
Despite, and because of, violence, anti-WTO protesters were heard
How Organized Anarchists Led Seattle into Chaos
(The Violence)
Return of the Luddites
Slowing Down a Quick Fix
Ending "social promotion" sounds great. But L.A. discovers it could mean flunking half its students
Meet the Mediator
Richard Posner is one of America's most brilliant jurists. But can he settle the Microsoft case?
Disney's Fantastic Voyage
(The Arts / Cinema)
Sixty years after Walt's nervy mix of cartoons and classical music comes a rapturous new Fantasia
Sad About the Boy
(The Arts / Show Business)
Noel Coward, born 100 years ago next week, is largely unsung, but shouldn't be
Maybe This Time
(The Arts / Show Business)
It's been years since life was a cabaret for Liza Minnelli, but now she's heading for the Palace
Doing Hard Time On Death Row
(The Arts / Cinema)
The Green Mile is short on complexity and long on...well, it's just very long
An Unlikely Prophet
(The Arts / Books)
A vivid but uneven portrait of the founder of the Nation of Islam
Plague of the Century
(The Arts / Books)
Tracking the 1918 flu virus that killed 20 million
The Sweet Sound of Magnolia
(The Arts / Music)
Aimee Mann's tales of romantic distress find emotionally satisfying release on a vibrant new sound track
The Cider House Rules
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Lasse Hallstrom
Don Rickles
(The Arts / Q&A)
The End of a Long Reign
(The Arts / Cinema)
Time has about run out for Anna and her King
And Brion Blooms Too
(The Arts / Music)
Medea in New Orleans
(The Arts / Theater)
Marie Christine boldly tries to take the musical to operatic heights. It's a pretty bumpy ride
Playing It Safe--and Sorry
(The Arts / Cinema)
Passage to Juneau
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Jonathan Raban
Stuart Little
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Rob Minkoff
PC Fun
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Nat King Cole
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Daniel Mark Epstein
Home For Christmas
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Anne Sofie von Otter
Songs Without Words
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Murray Perahia
Little Musicians
(Personal Time / Your Family)
It may not give your child perfect pitch, but early exposure to music is still worthwhile
Y2 Buy Stocks
(Personal Time / Your Money)
If nothing happens at midnight 2000, the only people panicking will be those who sold short
Good, Clean Quake
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
The splatter game is back--recast as fun-for-all sport. I got an exclusive look behind the scenes
Mixed-Up Meds
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Lots of drugs have similar-sounding names. How you can tell you're getting the right one
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
David Lindsay-Abaire
(People To Watch)
Read the story