Vol. 154 No. 4
Political Malpractice
In taking on HMOs, the Senate produced lots of drama. TIME sorts out what makes sense and what doesn't
Love at First Wonk
Everyone says brainiacs Clinton and Barak are made for each other. But can they cut a peace deal?
Playing with fire
Taiwan's President can't resist a good spark, but Asia is no place for nationalist pyromania
The Hot Spot
(Here Come The Pols)
Will Gore get burned for nuzzling China?
Out Of The Pictures
Did the suits win? Warner Bros.' legendary bosses Semel and Daly exit Time Warner
The Ride of His Life
Cancer survivor Lance Armstrong's remarkable showing rejuvenates the troubled Tour de France
Campaign Finance
How George W. Bush Pinches His Pennies
The Eleanor Index
And Bring Back Millie
Haiti: Case Study of What Not to Do in Yugoslavia?
Animal Rights
A New Reason for Rabbits To Avoid Foxholes
Stereotype Watch
The Joy of Not Being Jaded
The Vast Whiteland
(The Arts / Television)
Do not adjust your set. It's the big four networks' fall schedule that needs its color contrast fixed
(The Arts / Books)
J.K. Rowling's magical Harry Potter books have cast a spell on kids around the world
Circle of Gilt
(The Arts / Books)
The trials of affluent New Yorkers in group therapy
A Fool Turns the Tables
(The Arts / Cinema)
In The Dinner Game, the victimizer is the victim
A Pageant To Die For
(The Arts / Cinema)
Drop Dead Gorgeous is a hate letter to Minnesota
Take a Bow
(The Arts / Music)
Jazz violinist Regina Carter breaks out
Angel on F.D.R.'s Shoulder
(The Arts / Books)
A feminist biography of Eleanor Roosevelt sees her as a vulnerable, tireless, generous pioneer
A Selection
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Pilobolus Dance Theatre
Muppets From Space
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Tim Hill
Reves/Yo Soy
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Cafe Tacuba
The Brandon Teena Story
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Cinemax, July 26
The Wood
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Rick Famuyiwa
Camp for the Soul
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Vacation Bible Schools, enjoying a revival, teach spiritual lessons with popsicle sticks
Time to Trade In?
(Personal Time / Your Money)
No, not your car, your auto stocks. Slowing SUV sales might be a sign to sell Detroit, buy Japan
Flawed Gems
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
I love the way those tiny new APS cameras look. Too bad they aren't as inviting to use
Beyond Lyme
(Personal Time / Your Health)
There's a new tick-borne disease to worry about. Here's what you need to know
Your Family
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Look Homeward Angel, Once Again
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Should He Have Flown?
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Some question whether Kennedy was capable of handling the conditions, and the plane, that night
He Was America's Prince...
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
An Icon Of Both Magic And Grief... Who Flew His Own Course To... ...The Lost Horizon
The Art Of Being JFK Jr.
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Under the burden of fame, he led a life of decency and purpose
Grace Under the Glare
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Brought Up to Be a Good Man
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Fortune And Misfortune
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Through fate, folly or the evil of others, the Kennedys have become the first family of pain
A View from the Shore
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
In Private and in Public
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
A photo album of the clan whose lives projected America's longings onto a huge screen
And Then There Was One
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
The Boy We Called John-John
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Politics and Pop
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
JFK Jr.'S Family Tree
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999)
Over four brief generations, a clan prepared itself for greatness, achieved it, and lived with its legacy--all the while experiencing extremes of personal triumph and tragedy
Read the story