Vol. 153 No. 13
Stuck In The Starting Gate?
(Campaign 2000 Behind The Scenes)
Al Gore learns that mistakes are more glaring--and dangerous--because he's the No. 1 contender. And are those Bill Bradley's footsteps he's hearing?
Curtains for Dr. Death
After assisting 130 suicides since 1990, Jack Kevorkian is found guilty of a murder in Michigan
America, Love It or Leave It
It used to be the right's battle cry. Now it's the right's dilemma
Into The Fire
(Kosovo Crisis / The Mission)
The U.S. leads NATO's ferocious assault against the Milosevic regime--and finds itself tested in the harsh crucible of combat. In the bid to halt ethnic slaughter, has the alliance ignited a new Balka
The Risks Of Air Power
(Kosovo Crisis / The Military)
American forces in the sky can inflict damage, but they can't guarantee a change of heart
The Ethnic Cleanser
(Kosovo Crisis / The Man)
Slobodan Milosevic has lost almost every battle he's fought--except the one to stay in power
Clinton: Making Peace with War
(Kosovo Crisis / The Military)
The New Adolf Hitler?
(Kosovo Crisis / The Man)
Lying Faces Unmasked
The most gifted fibbers can fool almost anybody, but a new computer can look right through them
Writing Without Moving a Muscle
(In Brief)
Close Call for a Diabetes Drug
Despite 35 deaths, an FDA panel says Rezulin can stay on the market
Should All Be Forgiven?
Giving up that grudge could be good for your health. Researchers are pioneering a science of redemption based on an old form of grace
Waste Management
No Longer the Emptiest Dump in America
Why I Hate Dogs
Reproductive Services
Elmer Fudd Down Under
Go Away, Howard. Your Money's No Good Here
Here & There
Matzo Man
Moguls At Play
A Secret Wager over Shakespeare in Love
When Presidents Attack
The Clinton Doctrine
Nothing Means Something
PC Makers Get Crunched
Prices are collapsing, and there's nothing on the way to boost sales. Is the PC history?
We Want to Know...
(Oscar Scene)
This year's Academy Awards may be over, but some questions remain
Private Spielberg
(The Arts / Show Business)
The much lauded co-founder of DreamWorks may be looking to do more work on his own
A Global One-Man Show
(The Arts / Television)
ABC takes an enterprising look at the past 100 years in an ambitious, 12-hour documentary
Bad Atti-Toon
(The Arts / Cinema)
Movies hit a new low in a God-awful Mod Squad
Joan of Art
(The Arts / Show Business)
Once the transpacific princess of good films and bad, Joan Chen is now an award-winning auteur
Embedded in Our Subsoil
(The Arts / Books)
A biography puts Frost's dark side in perspective
Raps, in Blue
(The Arts / Music)
Eminem rings up sales as well as controversy
She's Gotta Build It
(The Arts / Architecture)
Iraqi-born Zaha Hadid has long been a famous architect. Now her designs are becoming reality
Vulgar Favors By Maureen Orth and Three Month Fever
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Gary Indiana
Sex in the Trauma Ward
(The Arts / Theater)
Natasha Richardson returns to Broadway in a bruising relationship drama from London
Dreaming by Numbers
(The Arts / Cinema)
What if the world were run by evil computers? And what if only a few rebels knew the truth?
Chris Buckley
(The Arts / Q&A)
The School Of Flesh
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Benoit Jacquot
Warm Cool: The Atlantic Years
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Chris Connor
Always Never The Same
(The Arts / Short Takes)
George Strait
Spread Your Bets
(Personal Time / Your Money)
With 401(k) plans, many own too much of their employer's stock. Here's what to do about it
Versatile Video
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Sony's new camcorder offers all the digital advantages and still plays your old analog tapes
Children's Menu
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Club soda, games of chase and other tricks to get kids to eat more of what's good for them
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
View Rare Books on Your PC
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
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