Vol. 153 No. 12
The Frame Game
Illinois prosecutors are charged with falsifying evidence in a murder trial. And around the country, people wonder, Can cops and district attorneys be trusted?
The Bush Rolodex
(Campaign 2000)
If George W. wants his campaign to look different from his dad's, why is he enlisting Dad's staff?
Death at the Crossing
A few hours outside Chicago, a fiery catastrophe ensues after a fabled train hits a flat-bed truck
Evidence Of Murder
A Yosemite mystery deepens after two bodies are discovered
Around the World in 20 Days
After two decades of failed attempts, a balloon sails into history with the help of technology and the weather
Ready to Rumble Again
Milosevic chooses defiance over compromise, and the military situation in Kosovo deteriorates
Kosovo's Army in Waiting
Nuclear Winter
Russian Prime Minister Primakov's visit this week highlights a growing chill with the U.S.
Talking With a Queen
Jordan's Noor speaks about King Hussein's death and her future
Saving the Salmon
Easter Ain't Just For Bunnies...
Campaign 2000
Hillary Hears Strains of The Music She Will Face
But Yeltsin Only Purges After He Drinks
Boxing Advice from the Hulkster
Secrets, Part One
The Fallout from Nuclear Leaks to China
Secrets, Part Two
Another Case of High-Tech High Jinks?
Candidate Truth Watch
Click Here for Love
A Foreign Affair offers lonely hearts an electronic emporium of brides online
Thinkers vs. Tinkerers, and Other Debates
A True Visual Sensualist
(The Arts / Art)
Modernists once dismissed John Singer Sargent's society portraits. They were wrong
The Future Never Came
(The Arts / Music)
Blur's new album, 13, has an experimental spirit but no focus amid all its electronica distortions
(The Arts / Television)
Alas, a Painful Turn in Larroquette's Career
Famous for Being Famous
(The Arts / Cinema)
Now this actor can be famous for being good
Millennium Fevers
(The Arts / Books)
In her absorbing new novel, Gail Godwin tracks modern maladies into a mountain town
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Fox, Tuesdays
Joey McIntyre
(The Arts / Q+A)
It's Like, You Know...
(The Arts / Television)
It's Like Pretty Funny
The Norm Show
(The Arts / Television)
Macdonald Buys the Comedy Farm
It's The Stupidity, Stupid
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Harry Shearer
The Corruptor
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by James Foley
The King And I
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Richard Rich
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By David Marshall Grant
Divided by 10,000
(Personal Time / Your Money)
It's a big-stock world, but there's unusual value in small companies. Will they ever rally?
Help-Line Hell
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Now that you have to pay for support when your PC goes on the fritz, whom are you going to call?
Get Some Sleep
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Bothered by insomnia? A study says changing your habits is more effective than taking pills
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Your Technology
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Fighting AIDS
(Time 100)
Penicillin was the magic bullet against bacteria, but what will stop HIV?
Beyond Kitty Hawk
(Time 100)
Vannevar Bush: Hypertext Prophet
(Time 100)
Who Built The First Computer?
(Time 100)
The Engines Of Creation
(Time 100)
Will Eric Drexler's nanotechnology do for the next century what silicon chips did for this?
Paul Erdos: The Oddball's Oddball
(Time 100)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Lord Of The Depths
(Time 100)
Margaret Mead
(Time 100)
Robert Noyce: Microchip
(Time 100)
Watson on Pauling
(Time 100)
Where Anthropology Meets Psychology
(Time 100)
Bertrand Russell
(Time 100)
Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards: Brave New Baby Doctors
(Time 100)
John von Neumann: Computing's Cold Warrior
(Time 100)
Ian Wilmut: Breaking The Clone Barrier
(Time 100)
The Great Minds Of The Century
(Time 100)
(Time 100)
SIGMUND FREUD He opened a window on the unconscious--where, he said, lust, rage and repression battle for supremacy--and changed the way we view ourselves
(Time 100)
LEO BAEKELAND Setting out to make an insulator, he invented the first true plastic and transformed the world
(Time 100)
THE WRIGHT BROTHERS A pair of self-taught engineers working in a bicycle shop, they made the world a forever smaller place
(Time 100)
ALEXANDER FLEMING A spore that drifted into his lab and took root on a culture dish started a chain of events that altered forever the treatment of bacterial infections
Rocket Scientist
(Time 100)
ROBERT GODDARD He launched the space age with a 10-ft. rocket in a New England cabbage field
(Time 100)
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES His radical idea that governments should spend money they don't have may have saved capitalism
(Time 100)
Edwin Hubble He saw a vast universe beyond the Milky Way, then found the first hints that it began with a Big Bang
(Time 100)
LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN He began by trying to reduce all mathematics to logic and ended by finding most metaphysics to be nonsense
Child Psychologist
(Time 100)
Jean Piaget He found the secrets of human learning and knowledge hidden behind the cute and seemingly illogical notions of children
Atomic Physicist
(Time 100)
ENRICO FERMI He was the last of the double-threat physicists: a genius at creating both esoteric theories and elegant experiments
(Time 100)
THE LEAKEY FAMILY Without the groundbreaking--and backbreaking--efforts of Louis, Mary and Richard, the story of how we evolved would still be largely untold
Electrical Engineer
(Time 100)
PHILO FARNSWORTH The key to the television picture tube came to him at 14, when he was still a farm boy, and he had a working device at 21. Yet he died in obscurity
(Time 100)
KURT GODEL He turned the lens of mathematics on itself and hit upon his famous "incompleteness theorem"--driving a stake through the heart of formalism
(Time 100)
RACHEL CARSON Before there was an environmental movement, there was one brave woman and her very brave book
Solid-State Physicist
(Time 100)
WILLIAM SHOCKLEY He fathered the transistor and brought the silicon to Silicon Valley but is remembered by many only for his noxious racial views
Computer Scientist
(Time 100)
ALAN TURING While addressing a problem in the arcane field of mathematical logic, he imagined a machine that could mimic human reasoning. Sound familiar?
(Time 100)
JONAS SALK Many scientists were racing to make a polio vaccine in the '50s--but he got there first
Molecular Biologists
(Time 100)
WATSON & CRICK It took an ex-physicist and a former ornithology student-- along with some unwitting help from a competitor--to crack the secret of life
Network Designer
(Time 100)
TIM BERNERS-LEE From the thousands of interconnected threads of the Internet, he wove the World Wide Web and created a mass medium for the 21st century
Putting Science To Work
(Time 100)
Sometimes the greatest inventions are the ones with the most mundane uses. These ideas quickly found their way into everyday life
The IQ Meritocracy
(Time 100)
Our test-obsessed society has Binet and Terman to thank-- or to blame
Cranks... Villains... ...And Unsung Heroes
(Time 100)
The century gave us scientific superstars like Freud and Einstein, but it also produced its share of...
A Century Of Science Fiction
(Time 100)
A master of the genre contends that it boasts an impressive predictive track record--if you squint hard and ignore most of the evidence
What's Next?
(Time 100)
The pace of discovery is likely to accelerate, says the former editor of Nature
A Century of Science
(Time 100)
How We've Become Digital
(Time 100)
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Amy Musher's Mailbag