Monday, Mar. 29, 1999
By Kathleen Adams, Harriet Barovick, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, David Spitz, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor
$9 million Total amount spent on pre-Oscar media blitz by studios whose films were nominated for Best Picture
$1,619.58 Amount the studios spent per member of the academy
$300 Cost to manufacture a 13-in. Oscar statuette
$1,585 Cost of a one-year academy membership, two top-price seats for the awards, plus a limo for 10 hours
$600 Average annual income in the Philippines
11 million Pints of Guinness drunk worldwide on St. Patrick's Day
1.63 billion Calories in 11 million pints of Guinness
1.98 billion Calories in 11 million cans of A&W root beer
48% Elderly in West Virginia who report having lost all teeth--the highest percentage in the U.S.
13.9% Toothless seniors in Hawaii
Sources: AP, USA Today, Los Angeles Daily News, World Vision, Guinness Imports, Centers for Disease Control (1995-97 study)