Vol. 144 No. 5
Chewing the Fat
Voodoo on the Hustings
Inside Lagos
Jesse's Trip to Troubled Nigeria
Please, Mr. Postman!
(Postal Service)
Congress investigates the mail system after millions of undelivered letters are uncovered in Washington
The Clinton Hater's Video Library
The Trouble Within
CIA chief Woolsey battles accusations that he's failing to bring his agency in from the cold war era
The Week July 17-23
Who Said What, And to Whom?
At the hearings, questions about whether Treasury chiefs told the truth could cause some fireworks
Winners & Losers
Boutros-Ghali Speaks Out
Cry the Forsaken Country
For more than 2 million refugees, hunger and disease take up where a vicious war left off
Picking Up the Pieces
(Middle East)
Arabs and Israelis both realize they would rather make money than war
Return To Sender
As the Bosnian Serbs reject another peace plan, can mediators muster the will to pressure the naysayers?
Jupiter's Bruises
Shoemaker-Levy 9 has met its doom, but the postmortem has just begun
What If a Comet Hits Earth?
Ads They Refused to Run
(Health Care)
Going Flat Out
(Health Care)
The Clintons launch a last big road show for health reform but show hints of their readiness to cut a deal
Contents Page August 1, 1994 Vol. 144 No. 5
Masthead August 1, 1994 -- Vol. 144, No. 5
Gimme Capital!
(The Economy)
With the world growing hungry for cash, consumers may be destined for years of high interest rates
It's Not Putting with Pluto, But It's Very Close
Mirror, Mirror on The Wall... Who is the fairest successor of them all?
Disney's ailing Michael Eisner comes under pressure to find a new partner.
Everyone into the School!
Summer vacation isn't what it used to be, as more districts experiment with year-round classes
No. 1 and Counting
Six young math whizzes from the U.S. win an international competition in record style
Race and the O.J.
Case The issue bubbles to the surface, highlighting black distrust of the criminal-justice system
The D.A. on The Defensive
A Feminist on the Outs
(Arts & Media / IDEAS)
Christina Hoff Sommers' book irks her ideological kin by attacking their excesses and downplaying the downtrodden fate of women
Hollywood's Huck Finns
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
A cluster of new releases features lost, fatherless boys adrift
North Country Passion
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Set in Newfoundland, The Bird Artist resembles Italian opera
The World According to Gump
(Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
Forrest Gump portrays America through the eyes of a wise fool and has become the summer's sensation
Wide Eyed in La-La Land
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Paul Theroux takes a witty, amiable look at Los Angeles
Willie, Mickey and...the Scooter?
(Arts & Media / SPORT)
Even as a statistical genius wittilty attacks its methods of seleciton, the Hall of Fame remains baseball's hokey, majestic shrine
Struggling to Make History
Gerry Adams talks about peace with the British
To Our Readers
Looking At Cataclysms