Vol. 141 No. 20
Behind the Serbian Lines
Braving the trenches, a TIME correspondent discovers why the Serbs will not give up one foot of the land they have taken -- and why it will be so difficult to defeat them
How the Muslims Would Be Armed
Reluctant Warrior
Clinton threatens to take on the Serbs, but a wary America fears a Balkan quagmire
A Fragile New Hope for Peace
(The Week: Nation)
Bosnian Serbs and Muslims try a last-minute cease-fire
An Arafat Administration?
Dark Sequels
(The Week: Nation)
David Koresh's horror tale splits into dozens of stories, none happy
Dr. Political Prisoner
Good Morning Again, Vietnam
Legal Sci-Fi
Making A Name For Herself
Money Wars
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton's campaign-finance reform may be less crusade than retreat
Post Office Murders
(The Week: Nation)
Killings by mail workers in two states revive a decade-long nightmare
Remaking of The President
(The White House)
Accused of lacking focus, Clinton hires a new aide, pushes back the health-care plan and apologizes to Bob Dole. But will he go to bed earlier?
Smile, You're on . . .
(The Week: Nation)
Target: George Bush
(The Week: Nation)
Did Saddam try to assassinate the former President last month?
Testing, Testing
Town Without Teeth
(The Week: Nation)
A California D.A. with budget woes cuts down on prosecutions
Vox Pop
When Friends Spy on Friends
Afrikaners, Unite!
(The Week World)
South African right-wingers demand an independent white homeland
Bloody Campaign
Brutal attacks on U.N. forces put Cambodia's election in jeopardy
Hot on The Trail
(The Week World)
Mexico's top law enforcer gets tough on drug trafficking
In Death, Larger Than Life
Joyless Germany's Ode to Woe
(The Week World)
Scandal, strikes and a deep economic funk combine to depress a nation
Loosening The Knot
(The Week World)
Israelis and Palestinians make strides toward neighborliness
Love It or Leave
(The Week World)
Bolstered by the referendum, Russia's President talks tough
Mission Half Accomplished
Hard lessons from Mogadishu as Clinton pursues military intervention in Bosnia
Udder Insanity!
A battle is raging over the safety of milk from cows treated with a genetically engineered hormone
A Lethal Legacy
Scientists have discovered a renegade gene that causes colon cancer
Cider with A Kick
(The Week Health & Science)
Jugs bought at roadside apple stands can be tainted with bacteria
Depressing Danger
(The Week Health & Science)
Research suggests that drugs to lift the spirits may cause miscarriage
Epa Arrives
(The Week Health & Science)
Going for A Much Lower Dosage
(The Week Health & Science)
Clinton cuts back on his plan to pay for vaccines for all children
Lighting The Way
(The Week Health & Science)
Tuberculosis sufferers are getting glowing help from the firefly
Milking a Fad
A burgeoning industry is milking fat profits from the faddish fear of dairy products
The Week Health & Science
(The Week Health & Science)
Children of A Lesser God
The surviving kids of Ranch Apocalypse offer shocking details of life with David Koresh
Filling Cable's Plate
(The Week: Society)
The TV Food Network makes eating a 24-hour viewing option
Gardening Nature's Way
A back-to-natives movement is bringing ecological harmony to the American backyard
Good Riddance
(The Week: Society)
Growing Up in Black and White
For African-American children, learning to love themselves is a tough challenge
Retrieving The Jailer's Keys
(The Week: Society)
Attorney General Reno launches a review of mandatory drug sentences
Shooting Star
(The Week: Society)
A heart ailment may end the meteoric career of the Celtics' Reggie Lewis
The Sweet Taste of Victory
(The Week: Society)
Tying New Knots
(The Week: Society)
Money Angles
Where Else to Invest?
It's a Small World After All
The Political Interest
Clinton's Feelgood Strategy
Time Magazine Contents Page MAY 17, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 20
Time Magazine masthead MAY 17, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 20
A Break for Uncle Sam
(The Week: Business)
More short-term borrowing could cut the government's interest costs
Big Blue's Lou Reaches Out
(The Week: Business)
Feeding Frenzy
(The Week: Business)
How Long Will the Bull Run?
(Wall Street)
Despite high stock prices, most market pros aren't too worried, yet
It's in The Numbers: Business Is Slow
(The Week: Business)
Leading indicators and other economic data say the economy is still sputtering
No More Dockers
(The Week: Business)
A Failure of Verve
(Reviews Books)
Asking Who Is Innocent
(Reviews Theater)
Lincoln's Emancipation
After soaring in the 1960s, singer Abbey Lincoln plunged into obscurity. Now her jazzy message of black self-esteem has put her back atop the charts.
Paying For Disaster
(Reviews Books)
Prime-Time Mind Bender
Oliver Stone's futuristic fantasy Wild Palms is the most bizarre mini-series since Twin Peaks
Running Hard, Running Fast
(Reviews Cinema)
Spiritual Stocktaking
(Reviews Music)
The Gay White Way
Angels in America and other new works center on homosexual themes
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
How The Doves Became Hawks