Vol. 141 No. 14
And The New N.A.A.C.P. Head Is . . .
Beep, Beep. Bang, Bang.
Easy Win in the Senate
(The Week: Nation)
An earliest ever budget measure passes; stimulus might face trouble
From Egypt, with Intense Suspicion
(The Week: Nation)
A suspect in the World Trade Center bombing is flown back to the U.S.
He Loves to Fly, and It Shows
No Smoking. And That's an Order!
O.K., He'll Stay
Poetry In Motion
Riding The Dinosaur
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton plays his first round of the presidential press-conference game
Swift Justice
(The Week: Nation)
This Buddha's for You
Vox Pop
What's in a Name?
(The Week: Nation)
A Friend in Need
In peril at home, Yeltsin heads for a summit with Clinton, hoping it will save his reforms (This is an updated text of the story; an earlier version appears in
A Newly Opened Book
(The Week World)
De Klerk discloses the history of South Africa's nuclear bombs
Advice From Two Old Pros
Down to The Wire Again
(The Week World)
As Bosnia's President signs a peace plan, Serb fighters press eastward
He's Up. He's Down. But Is He Out?
(The Week World)
Though Yeltsin's crisis churns on, a compromise is still possible
Kill No More
(The Week World)
The murders of two children trigger a backlash against the I.R.A.
Left in The Lurch
(The Week World)
A rightist landslide buries France's ruling Socialists
Looking for Mr. Good Czar
Political Cross Fire
(The Week World)
Netanyahu and Weizman, poles apart, gain office in Israel
The Threat That Lingers
The Week World
(The Week World)
Man in A Minefield
Talk about a tall order: Les Aspin has to shrink the Pentagon, find a compromise on gays in the military, and keep Sam Nunn out of Clinton's way
So Glad to See You
The return of a chief suspect in the tower bombing nearly completes the roundup, but a few mysteries linger
Deadly Copies
(The Week Health & Science)
Researchers locate the gene that causes Huntington's disease
Hiv Ambush
(The Week Health & Science)
Studies show the AIDS virus hides out in lymph nodes before it attacks
(The Week Health & Science)
Smaller versions of the woolly beasts may have outlasted the Ice Age
Venus Beach
(The Week Health & Science)
NASA finds evidence that the hot, dry planet was once awash in water
A Break for Hunt
(The Week: Society)
Bionic Bo
(The Week: Society)
Ready, Aim, Liberace!
Using spotlights and corny music, the FBI bombards the Branch Davidians
Sex With a Scorecard
A group of high school boys who tallied their conquests ignites a debate over teenage values
The Best Defense . . .
(The Week: Society)
An L.A. police officer takes the stand in the Rodney King beating trial
The Ripper's Tale
(The Week: Society)
A soon to be published book claims to be Jack's own
Clinton's Spiritual Journey
The President's religious life defies both his political temperament and the habits of his generation
The Church Search
Baby Boomers dropped out in record numbers. Now many are finding spiritual homes again -- and American religion will never be the same.
Architecture Goes Green
An array of new projects proves that buildings can be ecologically correct, cost-efficient and beautiful as well
A Chip with Zip
(The Week: Business)
Intel's new Pentium breaks new ground in desktop computing
Basinger Instinct
Hard lessons in the art of the oral deal
Bigot's Special
(The Week: Business)
Caught in The Act
(The Week: Business)
Baxter pleads guilty to complicity with the Arab boycott of Israel
Comes A Cookie Man
(The Week: Business)
IBM's new boss is used to selling a wholly different kind of chip
No-Fall Stocks
(The Week: Business)
Citibank offers a market-linked instrument that apparently can't lose
The King of Beers Gets a Crown
(The Week: Business)
Anheuser-Busch's Budweiser teams up with Mexico's Corona
Who Wants This Job?
Still stinging from the Dateline fiasco, NBC News is hustling to hire a credible new president
School's Out -- of Cash
Impoverished schools are slashing programs, letting classroom sizes grow and teacher counts shrink. Some of them are just closing down.
A Few Good Women
That seems to be the quota for females in film. And the number keeps on dropping.
Kitchen Magician
(Reviews Cinema)
Rock Me, I'm Irish
Influenced by Bono and Sinead, malt liquor and hip-hop, a new wave of Irish rockers has arrived
Short Takes
Striptease In a Taxi
(Reviews Books)
The Art of Childhood
(Reviews Cinema)
Written In Stone
(Reviews Books)
Klingon: The Final Frontier
Forget French; with a little effort you can learn to say what no one has said before
Go Ahead, Make My Career
Clint Eastwood's film Unforgiven confirms that this is one actor who can redefine himself, and his genre
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)
General Patton, Sit Down and Shut Up!