Vol. 140 No. 19
Chrysler's Second Amazing Comeback
(Cover Stories)
Roger's Painful Legacy
(Cover Stories)
The Cowboy Driving Olds
(Cover Stories)
What Went Wrong? Everything at once.
(Cover Stories)
How the world's largest corporation broke down, and why the human cost of repairs will be brutal
Awkward Timing
(The Week: Nation)
A grand jury charges Weinberger anew, involving George Bush
Campaign Quiz
Consider The Source
(U.S. Campaign)
Equal Opportunity War
Hanging On for Dear Life
How The Kids Call It
(The Week: Nation)
Not So Fast, Rookies!
(U.S. Campaign)
Throughout the campaign, Perot complained that no one wanted to talk about the issues. But often his judgment became the issue.
Proving A Negative
(The Week: Nation)
A Russian official finds no evidence that Alger Hiss was a spy
Some Of His Best Friends
Take Your Mitts Off My Carrier
Too Mixed, Too Late
(The Week: Nation)
Vox Pop
What Will Ross Perot Do Next?
(The Week: Nation)
A debating star strikes out at unseen enemies as the race tightens
A Test of Intentions
(The Week World)
Middle East peace talks plod on, despite fighting along Israel's border
Boris Barks Back
(The Week World)
Yeltsin moves to fend off Russia's increasingly hostile Old Guard
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Them Again
It Was No in Any Language
(The Week World)
Canadians reject a constitution, but a split-up still seems unlikely
Struggling to Be Themselves
(The Americas)
Victor Beware
John Major's status quo policies may have won him re-election, but they have failed to repair theeconomy
What Deal?
(The Week World)
London and Beijing bicker over how democratic Hong Kong should be
Where Children Come First
Instead of just talking about family values, France offers a wide range of programs from the cradle to the grave to promote a more stable, equitable and caring society
A Thousand Points of Blight
From fuel spills and toxic wastes to live shells and lethal landfills, the U.S. military is the nation's No. 1 polluter
Search for The Wolf
Ranchers and animal lovers have fought for years over plans to bring the predator back to Yellowstone. Now the beast may be taking the matter into its own paws.
A Shot in the Arm
(The Week Health & Science)
The FDA approves a controversial birth control injection
Get Out the Lifeboats! Antarctica Is Melting
(The Week Health & Science)
New evidence suggests the ice caps are more fragile than assumed
Heads Up
(The Week Health & Science)
A comet may strike the earth in mid-August . . . of the year 2126
The Biggest Killer of Women: Heart Attack
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Brandon's Fade-Out
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
The Thin Red Line
In Texas, A Grim Question of Survival
(The Week: Society)
An accused rapist insists an offered condom implied consent
Miscellany Roll Over Beethoven
(The Week: Society)
What Would It Take to Get America off Drugs?
A new book argues that the effort to cut off supply has failed. It's time to focus on the treatment and education programs that have proven power to reduce demand.
When Lobbyists Become Insiders
While working for presidential campaigns, influence peddlers may be serving their own interests
America Abroad
The War That Will Not End
Time Magazine Contents Page
NOVEMBER 9, 1992 VOLUME 140 NO. 19
Time Magazine Masthead
NOVEMBER 9, 1992 VOLUME 140 NO. 19
Calling Dr. Huxtable!
(The Week: Business)
Bill Cosby eyes NBC, but will he have a prescription for the ailing network?
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Don't Leave Home . . .
License Suspended
(The Week: Business)
GM's chairman takes the fall, but his company is still speeding downhill
Stern Warning
(The Week: Business)
Tips From The Master
(The Week: Business)
How to make a billion while all around you lose their shirts
The Tuition Game
Advisers offer perplexed parents clever college-aid schemes. But where's the line between working the system -- and cheating it?
Sting The President
How the FBI tried to ensnare a Bush campaign official on a tip from Ross Perot
Aladdin's Magic
The funny, fabulous feature from Disney heralds a new Golden Age of animation
Evil Is an Outsider
Gerald Ford Redux
Haunted by History
More Than Child's Play
Short Takes
Thumbing A Hispanic Nose
"People Need a Short, Sharp Shock"
Watch out: an unrepentant Sinead O'Connor blasts the Catholic church, Bob Dylan and the treatment of women
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Deerslayer Helped Define Us All