Vol. 139 No. 16
Anatomy of A Smear
(Cover Stories)
Terry Reed loves to tell reporters scandalous tales about Bill Clinton and the contras. The trouble is the stories are false.
Questions Questions Questions
(Cover Stories)
Clinton appears to be well on his way to winning the nomination, but many voters still have qualms about his character and beliefs
Shifting with The Wind
(Cover Stories)
The Political Interest It's Not Going to Be Pretty
(Cover Stories)
A high-minded debate of the issues? No way. The roughing up of Bill Clinton has just begun.
10 Cents a Dance: Just Call 1-800-426 . . .
A Worrisome Brand of Japanese Investor
Buchanan: Going for the Gold
Clinton Edges Closer, But Doubts Persist
(The Week: Nation)
Though bloodied in New York, he's now more than halfway home
Don't Underestimate Perot
Go Directly to Jail
(The Week: Nation)
Noriega faces up to 120 years on eight drug counts
Perot's Army
(The Campaign)
Equipped with computers, ball points and high-tech phones, volunteers fight to get their man on the ballot
The Bums Throw Themselves Out
(The Week: Nation)
Scandals and frustration inspire an exodus from Capitol Hill
Trouble in The Ranks
Vox Pop
Was Gulf War Hardware Oversold?
(The Week: Nation)
Pentagon reports raise questions about some weapons' effectiveness
Word Watch
By A Nose Denied a resounding mandate, John Major must shape a program that can cure the national malaise and hold a strengthened opposition at bay
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
From Britain's Voters: A Major Surprise
(The Week World)
The Tories narrowly survive the war on incumbents in Europe
Fujimori Takes Over
(The Week World)
Frustrated, Peru's President shuts down Congress and rules by decree
(The Week World)
The Killing Goes On
The Ultimate Survivor
(The Week World)
Arafat walks away from a desert crash that kills three others
What's Left of Yugoslavia?
(The Week World)
The Beef Against . . . Beef
Do cows cause global warming and human hunger? The fault, dear Jeremy, lies not in our cattle but in ourselves. . .
Farewell to The Angel Of Death
(The Week Health & Science)
Nazi doctor Josef Mengele's remains are finally identified for sure
Look, Ma, No Wheels!
(The Week Health & Science)
Catching a plane? Here's a car you can stow in the overhead rack
Whence Beer Bellies?
(The Week Health & Science)
Beer, sure, but it's also true that alcohol slows the burning of fat
Ashe's Sad, Stunning AIDS Announcement
(The Week: Society)
A second major sports figure goes public about his infection
Fair Game?
Forced to go public with his most private and painful truth, Arthur Ashe plays out his future in a spotlight
Not-So-Dumb Jocks
(The Week: Society)
Duke's men and Stanford's women capture NCAA basketball titles
The Two Sides of the SAM WALTON Legacy
(American Scene)
"Stack it deep, sell it cheap, stack it high and watch it fly! Hear those downtown merchants cry!" Wal-Mart employee chant
The Week Society
(The Week: Society)
Trojan Horse?
(The Week: Society)
Two Years in the Life of An "Unwary Innocent"
(The Week: Society)
The Supreme Court bans overzealous sting operations
Voila! Disney Invades Europe. Will the French Resist?
Want To See Some Secret Pictures?
Traditionalists spar with a new leadership over how public the fabled Barnes collection should be
America Abroad Hot Issues Turn Cold
It's hard to tell the geopolitical tough guys from the softies
How To Simplify the Crazy Tax Code
Down with the income tax! A growing number of economists say the U.S. needs a consumption levy that rewards thrift and enterprise and cuts down on those maddening forms
Panama -- Just Saying No
Noriega's successors have cracked down on the traffickers, but the U.S. has not yet won its war against the Latin American cartels
Time Magazine Contents Page
April 20, 1992 Volume 139, No. 16
Time Magazine Masthead
April 20, 1992 Volume 139, No. 16
Big Recall at GM
(The Week: Business)
Exasperated by the giant's slide, the board reshuffles the top brass
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Showdown On Labor's Front Line
(The Week: Business)
The Caterpillar strike could make or break a powerful union
(Is That Correct?) In a handful of American schools, first-graders are discovering math and science -- in Japanese
Dada for The Valley Girl
(Reviews Art)
Dancing On Graves
(Reviews Books)
Folksy Funk
(Review Theater)
Kindly Cuts
(Review Television)
More Heat Than Desire
(Reviews Theater)
Short Takes
Superbly In Synch with Shakespeare
(Review Cinema)
The Way We Live Now
(The Week Arts & Entertainment)
Pulitzers celebrate a corn-fed Lear and a truly off-Broadway play
"We See a World of More, Not Fewer Mysteries"
CIA Director Robert Gates talks about Saddam Hussein's still hidden Scuds, the KGB's new goals and declassifying the J.F.K. assassination files
A Player Once Again
With a new movie as witty and thrilling as M*A*S*H and Nashville, director Robert Altman makes a provocative comeback
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)
Let Them Eat Tax Forms