Vol. 139 No. 5
Taking Aim at Roe v. Wade The Supreme Court may be poised to withdraw the rights it granted in 1973. Will George Bush pay the political price?
American Notes: Air Safety
A New Use for Old Bombers
American Notes: Assassinations
Open Minds, Closed Files
American Notes: Sex Discrimination
Falsetto Advertising
American Notes: Welfare Carrots and Sticks
Behind The Star's Headlines
Civil Rights: Let Me Out of Here!
Birmingham's black mayor marches off to prison, calling his prosecution racist -- but doesn't stay long
Don't Nuke the Hand That Feeds You
Forward Spin
Get Out the Lycra, and Check Those Pecs
Meanwhile, Back At the Bargaining Table . . .
Politics: Moment Of Truth
Insisting that Flowers' charges are "false," Bill Clinton faces the biggest test of his political career
Sorry, Otherwise Engaged
The Gulf: Are Saddam's Days Numbered?
Hints of a new U.S. effort to get rid of the Iraqi leader seem to be aimed more at American voters than at Baghdad. Good thing too: it's an idea likely to fail -- and to raise havoc even if it succeed
Trials: Do Mad Acts a Madman Make?
When Milwaukee mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer goes on trial this week, so will the insanity defense
Uncle Saddam's Land of Terror
Vox Pop
Who Cares, Anyway?
Ethics: The Price of Obedience
Should East German border guards have followed the law and their orders or listened to their conscience?
Fear And Betrayal
In the Stasi State As the vast archives of the secret police are opened, former East Germans are finding ugly evidence of a pervasive system of deceit
Middle East: Seething over Settlements
While Palestinians and Jews shoot it out in the occupied territories, U.S. and Israeli politicians slug it out on the problem of loan guarantees
United Nations: Challenge for The New Boss
The end of the cold war brought a boom in opportunities for peacekeeping, but Boutros-Ghali must now reform the swollen bureaucracy
World Notes: Cuba
Standing Firm By Itself
World Notes: Diplomacy
Long March to Recognition
World Notes: Former Soviet Union
Russian Time Warp
World Notes: Northern Ireland
A War That Will Not End
Demanding Payment for Good Behavior
Gunning for The Greens
The sour economy has made it more fashionable to save jobs than trees -- and fueled a backlash led by loggers, ranchers and developers
Cinema: Lives of Mannerly Desperation
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Music: Sounds of Surprise
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Television: Knots Landing on the Prairie
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Theater: A Tale of Downward Mobility
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Theater: The Price Is Right
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Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 139 No. 5 FEBRUARY 3, 1992
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 139 No. 5 FEBRUARY 3, 1992
Business Notes: Food Processing
To Skin A Spud
Business Notes: Marketing
Knock, Knock No More
Business Notes: Retailing
Miracle On 34th Street
Business Notes: Takeovers
Continental Food Fight
Military Contractors: Dismantling the War Machine
America's cold war victory is just beginning to take a heavy toll on jobs in the defense industry
Money: Angles Let's Get Moving!
Trade: Blame It On Japan
In the wake of Bush's trip to Tokyo, "Buy America" once again emerges as a war cry for the nation's unemployed
Big Chill on Campus
After decades of growth, U.S. colleges are facing a financial squeeze that threatens the quality and breadth of higher education
Bye-Bye Financial Aid
1-900-Aural Sex
Nicholson Baker explores the nature of arousal in his dazzling and erotic (but not pornographic) novel Vox
Feats Of Progress
Ken Burns, whose new film airs this week, puts the "story" back in history
Fusions for the 21st Century
Melding indigenous folk traditions with Western jazz and high-tech pop, world music forges a vital new sound
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Fraying Of America
When a nation's diversity breaks into factions, demagogues rush in, false issues cloud debate, and everybody has a grievance