Vol. 136 No. 13
A Fiscal Fairy Tale
As White House and congressional leaders slog their way toward a budget agreement, Bush wields the sequester threat
A Pick with a Shovel
Promising to clean house, an anti-Barry reformer wins in D.C.
Adam Smith Enterprise Award
American Notes ALASKA
A Job for Mother Nature
American Notes BOSTON
Flipper Fans Stop a Swap
American Notes LOS ANGELES
Chic Charity
City on The Skids
Bag Holder of the Week
Cronkite Unbound
First-Class Advice
Hmmm. Guess It Needs Work . . .
How About a Job As an Architect?
Hugh Sidey's America Where the Buffalo Roamed
Plagued by hard times and harsh weather, the Great Plains may be stumbling back to a frontier existence dominated by prairie grass, solitude and wandering beasts
Let Them Eat Crack Advisory
May The Force Be with You
In crime-weary New York City, it's time to call the cops
Supreme Confidence
Souter takes the stand, but declines to state his views on abortion rights as foes search in vain for reasons to reject his high court nomination
The George Orwell Doublespeak Explanation
The Political Prop Parade
A Survey of Those Silly Budget-Battle Photo Ops
Liberia Death of a President
As the regional peacekeeping force dawdles, rival rebel forces brace for a showdown
South Africa Still Crying Freedom
An antiapartheid editor, visiting home after a long exile, finds that whites have begun to accept the inevitable
Soviet Union Beyond Perestroika
Gorbachev hails a radical economic plan that could turn the Soviet Union into a nation of shopkeepers, but then suggests a few ways to dilute it
The Spy Who Spilled the Beans
Israel tries -- and fails -- to prevent publication of a former Mossad agent's book, creating an explosive best seller
World Notes COLOMBIA
Drug Lords and Mind Games
World Notes HAITI
Sliding Toward The Abyss
World Notes PAKISTAN
Laying It on The Line
World Notes TREATIES
A Farewell To Arms
An Exquisite Balancing Act
(The Gulf)
Onetime playboy King Fahd tries to mingle modernity and feudalism
Call To Arms
(The Gulf)
Bush issues his sternest warning yet to Saddam, and despite Tehran's call for a holy war against the U.S., the coalition against Iraq grows stronger
Lifting The Veil
(The Gulf)
A secretive and deeply conservative realm, Saudi Arabia suddenly finds itself on the sword edge of change
Shi'Ites: Poorer Cousins
(The Gulf)
Taking The First Shot
(The Gulf)
If the embargo fails, could the U.S. launch a swift strike against Saddam that would demolish his ability to fight back?
The Political Interest
(The Gulf)
Waiting for the Pretext
Noah's Ark -- the Sequel
To test ideas for outposts on other planets, scientists have built a replica of earth in the Arizona desert
Giant Step for Gene Therapy
An experiment on a young girl opens a new era in the fight against hereditary diseases
Front Page vs. Bottom Line
The New York Post is reprieved, but tabs are still in trouble
What To Do When Priests Stray
How the Catholic Church deals with sexual misconduct when more and more priests are breaking their vow of celibacy
Big Yet Still Beautiful
In today's cityscapes, Cesar Pelli's buildings are like dancers among thugs
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 13 SEPTEMBER 24, 1990
Breaking The Bank
Taxpayers beware: now the FDIC is low on cash and may need a bailout
Bright Hopes for the Blue Flame
With oil so dear, natural gas heats up as a clean substitute
Business Notes BEVERAGES
Now That's a Potent Potable
Business Notes ENTERPRISE
The Color Of Money
Business Notes INDUSTRY
There Goes Another One
Business Notes REGULATION
Cable vs.Everybody
Business Notes RETAILING
Puttin' on More Ritz
Dear Judge: Go Easy on Michael
Friends of the junk-bond king lobby for a lenient sentence
Of, By and For -- Whom?
Race and ethnicity are the battlegrounds of history class
Call of The Eco-Feminist
Country Classicists
Clint Black and Garth Brooks take the old road to Nashville
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Elephant Man
Hound Dog
Married to The Mob
In some spiffy new films, Hollywood hooks up with gangsters
News That Stays the News
The Terrible Remedy
THE CIVIL WAR; PBS; Sept. 23-27, 8 p.m. on most stations
Who And Why
From Tne Publisher
(From The Publisher)