Monday, Sep. 24, 1990
Business Notes BEVERAGES
"Takes you by surprise!" reads the cheery slogan for Cisco, a fruit-flavored - beverage produced by New York's Canandaigua winery. The claim rings true, for Cisco's alcohol content is 20%, almost twice that of most wines and four times that of wine coolers. A growing number of health and consumer groups are asking Canandaigua to recall all bottles until the packaging and marketing are revamped. Critics contend that Cisco's screw-top bottles, fruit flavors and availability in many convenience stores create the impression that the product is akin to wine coolers. Canandaigua insists that customers know Cisco is different from a wine cooler because it is more expensive and is sold in individual bottles rather than four-packs. Says a spokesman: "We are producing a legal product, legally packaged."