Vol. 128 No. 7
"Opulence and Waste"
"Orange Riviera"
Gold-rush fever grips a once drowsy county
All in the Family
A guilty verdict in Florida
American Notes Boy Scouts
Bagging the Bears
American Notes Defectors
High-Wire Acts
American Notes Football
The U.S.F.L. Punts
American Notes Letters
Billion-Dollar Mailman
American Notes the Budget
Red Tide Rising
Crack Down
Reagan declares a war on drugs and proposes tests for key officials
Keeping the Faith
How two preachers are tugging their parties away from the center
Michigan's Muddle
Mirved Mission to Moscow
Arms control on the fast track
No Smoking Gun
Justices in the clear
Sunbelt Import
Youth gangs plague the South
The Presidency
Lost in Space
Who Won? the Pentagon
East-West Tale of a Sundered City
After 25 years of the Wall, Berliners still long for unity
Egypt Dialogue of the Deaf
As a debt crisis gathers, Mubarak gets sympathy but no cash
Israel Adding Fuel to the Fire
The scandal that refuses to die
South Africa Going Part of the Way
A divided Commonwealth votes sanctions, and Pretoria hits back
World Notes Disasters
Invasion of the Locusts
World Notes Iran
An American in Custody
World Notes Spain
A Party Gets Out of Hand
World Notes Terrorism
It's Not Over Till It's Over
Worold Notes Britain
Keeping a Pinky In
Redrawing the Family Tree
A new fossil casts a different light on man's ancestors
Shock Cure?
Stunning snakebites
Stilling the Artificial Beat
After 620 days, Jarvik-7 Recipient William Schroeder succumbs
"If Everybody Had an Ocean . . ."
But even water is not essential to join the surf craze
Are Women "Male Clones"?
Two disputes challenge the feminist consensus
On the Mississippi: Cruising Peaceful Waters
(American Scene)
Londoners Try the Real Thing
"It Makes Cricket Seem Almost Action-Packed"
Blithe Spirits for the Sober Set
(Economy & Business)
The liquor industry woos consumers with lighter, sweeter drinks
Bounty From Uncle Sam
(Economy & Business)
Big farm producers harvest a bumper crop of federal funds
Business Notes Finance
(Economy & Business)
A Yen for Wall Street
Business Notes Imports
(Economy & Business)
Free Trade's Narrow Victory
Business Notes Mergers
(Economy & Business)
2 + 3 = No. 1 in P.R.
Business Notes Products
(Economy & Business)
Made in the Shade
Business Notes Resignations
(Economy & Business)
From Stocks to Racetracks
Opec Takes a Stand, Maybe
(Economy & Business)
A shaky pact to cut the cartel's oil production boosts the cost of crude
Renting Out the Friendly Skies
(Economy & Business)
Airplane brokers are providing carriers with returnable fleets
Andrew Wyeth's Stunning Secret
The Helga collection, a hidden treasure trove
The Making of a Scoop
Dark Journeys Live Flesh
by Ruth Rendell Pantheon; 272 pages; $15.95 A DARK-ADAPTED EYE by Barbara Vine Bantam; 272 pages; $14.95
Love in the Animal Kingdom the Fly
Directed by David Cronenberg; Screenplay by Charles Edward Pogue and David Cronenberg HOWARD THE DUCK Directed by Willard Huyck; Screenplay by Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz
Of Carrousel Horses and Claws
The Seattle Opera unveils a novel and invigorating Ring
Pet Theories and Pet Peeves in the Company of Animals by James Serpell; Blackwell; 215 pages; $19.95
Torn Apart and Pulled Together the American Clock
by Arthur Miller
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
What's in a Name?