Vol. 126 No. 14
American Notes Blacks
Not Following the Leaders
American Notes Congress
A Not So Humble House
American Notes Foreign Aid
The Antiabortionists Win One
American Notes the Senate
Maryland's Mathias Bows Out
American Notes Washington
Still 3,000 to 0
Another Return From the Cold
A Kgb Defection Adds to an Intriguing Web
Battling the Mighty Dollar
Shades of Smoot-Hawley
The Battle Over Barriers
Reagan holds fast while Congress pushes hard for protectionism
The Tricks of the Trade
In international commerce, every nation is looking for an edge
Three Industries That Want Help
The question: Would trade barriers do more harm than good?
Drift Toward the G.O.P.
A Time Poll Shows a Small Party Shift and Continued Optimism
Flying Flags and Flowing Words
Turning 40, the U.N. braces for a pride of potentates
Gone with the Wind
Hurricane Gloria huffs and puffs and whimpers away
Moscow's Promising Offer
The new Soviet Foreign Minister hands Reagan a fresh arms-control plan
The Presidency
Pressing the Pinstripe Suit
Work for Welfare
California tries a new approach
A Few Words From
Gorge Profonde
China Deng's Victory
He wins, but does not "overwin"
France a Scandal That Refuses to Die
The government struggles to defuse the Greenpeace debacle
Mexico Miracles Amid the Ruins
Death and grief, relieved by unexpected sparks of life, grip the capital
Soviet Union Old Guard Out
Ryzhkov replaces Tikhonov
World Notes India
Second-Place Triumph
World Notes Panama
A President Bails Out
World Notes Poland
Bungling At All Levels
World Notes South Africa
Cruel and Usual Punishment
World Notes Switzerland
The Clock Moves Forward
Advice on Eating Right
(Health & Fitness)
Two new reports stir confusion about a healthy diet
Block a Protein, Starve a Tumor
Scientists reproduce a growth signal for capillaries
The Shape of the Nation
(Health & Fitness)
Despite the exercise boom, Americans are far from fit
"Larger and Darker By the Day"
Ueberroth goes to the players, and they go to the union
Business Notes Acquisitions
(Economy & Business)
Murdoch Snares a Fox
Business Notes Alcohol
(Economy & Business)
A Spirited Last Call
Business Notes Books
(Economy & Business)
Memoirs of a Corporate Raider
Business Notes Corporations
(Economy & Business)
Harry Steps Down--Maybe
Business Notes Investments
(Economy & Business)
Trading Stamps By Computer
Call From Philip Morris
(Economy & Business)
The cigarette giant buys the food giant for $5.7 billion
On Their Best Behavior
(Economy & Business)
Letitia Baldrige offers a guide to executive manners
Sour Apples
(Economy & Business)
His old company sues Jobs
The Star Wars Sweepstakes
(Economy & Business)
Amid a swirl of controversy, companies and schools vie for defense dollars
"A Failed Path"
Bennett blasts bilingualism
Blind Tigers and Manniporchia
A new dictionary collects the raw nuggets of American speech
A Museum for Picasso's Picassos
The greatest collection goes on display in Paris
Best Sellers
Four Women in Search of an Oscar
In Hollywood's annual class act, Streep and Lange head the class
Let a Hundred Lilys Bloom the Search for Signs of Intelligent
Life in the Universe by Jane Wagner
Mopping Up the Good Terrorist
by Doris Lessing Knopf; 375 pages; $16.95
Songs From the High Ground From Farm Aid to Apartheid, Rock Wrestles with Big Issues
On the Record
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
Statement of Ownership
(Statement Of Ownership)
The Job Ahead for U.S. Business