Monday, Oct. 07, 1985

The Shape of the Nation

By Anastasia Toufexis.

The trim, the taut and the wholly toned: the new blessed trinity of the U.S. Worshipers seem to be everywhere, running along sandy beaches and park paths, cycling on city streets or backwoods roads, swimming, stretching, bending, twisting or--come on, just one more--perhaps lifting weights. By now it would appear that all Americans have experienced sweaty epiphanies and are fast on their way to becoming hardy hunks and blooming beauties. The truth, however, is a good deal flabbier.

The U.S. has indeed become a nation of believers in the virtues of exercise, but a new study from the Federal Government reports that most citizens confine their practice to nothing more strenuous than pushing a shopping cart around a supermarket on Saturday morning or shoveling down a pint of ice cream while doing laps between the kitchen and the TV set. "There are trends toward improvement," declares Dr. Michael McGinnis, director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "The great majority know the importance of fitness. But they have not taken the action themselves. Americans are not as fit as they think they are."

He speaks after seeing the preliminary results of a nationwide HHS survey to be released next spring. It shows that 80% to 90% of Americans still do not get enough exercise. The Public Health Service defines that as anything that boosts heart and lung performance to 60% or more of its capacity at least three times a week for a full 20 minutes, the minimum needed to produce any cardiovascular benefit. Five years ago, the service urged that by 1990, three- fifths of those 18 to 64 and half of those 65 and over should be meeting that minimum. Now it says that chances of reaching those goals are "poor." Newly published 1985 Gallup Leisure Audit figures found no significant change in the number of sports participants over the past two years. Swimming, including mere splashing around the local pool, remained the most popular activity (41% of Americans did it at least once last year). Fishing (34%) nosed out bicycling (33%) for second. New York City Endocrinologist Xavier Pi- Sunyer says that data thus far in the '80s indicate that a little less than one-third of men and more than one-third of women are obese, just as they were a decade ago. "The evidence," says Editor T George Harris of American Health magazine, still "shows that we are a bunch of fat slobs who do not have activity built into our daily lives."

Not all the figures are unchanged. In the decade since most scientists agreed that regular exercise could improve the heart's performance and reduce the chances of coronary artery disease, fitness has taken a strong hold on the American consciousness and on American wallets. Motivated by concern about health, weight, appearance or simply the desire to feel good, citizens have willingly plunked down billions of dollars in an effort to get in shape. Last year four of the top ten hardcover nonfiction best sellers dealt with diet or fitness. Fans of Jane Fonda's four workout videos have bought more than 1.2 million copies since 1982. Cable TV and local channels now offer early-bird exercise shows. Health clubs remain popular, and Americans are also converting their homes into private gyms. They will spend an astonishing $1 billion on various devices this year, nearly as much as what is spent on equipment for ; camping, golf and racquet sports combined. Hottest items: Soloflex and other multipurpose contraptions, rowing machines, and updated versions of that old standby, the exercise cycle.

But "the basic number of people who are active has remained the same," says James Skinner, director of the Exercise and Sports Research Institute at Arizona State University in Tempe. Affluent, well-educated baby boomers were in the vanguard of the fitness frenzy, and they are still the main disciples. "Exercise is largely a middle-class phenomenon," asserts McGinnis. One significant sign: Barbie, the ultimate yuppie doll, now comes with her own workout center, including cycle, dumbbells, slant board and locker with towel.

Then again, Barbie's active ways may be misleading. For the situation among children is particularly bleak. American youth has got fatter than it was in the '60s, according to HHS tests. Young people spend an average of 13 hours a week in sports or other exercise. They spend three to four times that watching TV and playing video games. Schoolchildren's scores are now declining for strength, power, speed, agility and cardiovascular fitness. The Amateur Athletic Union reports that 36% of youngsters meet its standards for push-ups, high jumps, long jumps, endurance runs and sprints. Just a few years ago, the number was 42%.

For adults, slothful ways are compounded by other unhealthy habits. More than 30% of the population smoke; about the same number admit to sometimes drinking too much. In addition, says Skinner, "people tend to overestimate what they do and underestimate what they eat." Many fool themselves in other ways, too. Of 2,256 middle- to top-level executives studied by the University of Michigan/Ann Arbor's Fitness Research Center, only 47% reported that they exercised regularly. But 91% claimed they were in good or excellent shape. Those who try to take up working out often fail. If they do not have the start-and-stop fidgets, many exercisers have the fitness flitters, endlessly switching from one activity to another. "If people begin to exercise because it's a fad or start up with something that is not convenient, they just won't stick with it," notes Dr. Joan Ullyot, a San Francisco specialist in sports medicine.

Many Americans appear to be suffering from the "too" syndrome when it comes to athletic activity. They claim they are too busy, too old, too sick, too tired. Or that exercise is too boring. Steve Friedman, executive producer . of NBC's Today show, is unrepentantly indolent. "I'm one of those who believe people in New York should rent motorcycles to ride to their cars," he proclaims. "I see the joggers out there, in the rain, in the snow, and they all look so unhappy. If I have to do that to live to 80, I'd rather die at 40." He is 39.

Friedman is in a shrinking minority, however. Judith Langer, whose New York City marketing research firm has studied attitudes toward energetic exercisers, reports, "A few years ago, they may have seemed strange. Now they're respected." Dr. Ronald Mackenzie, medical director for the National Athletic Health Institute in Inglewood, Calif., is also sanguine. He contends that 10% of Americans are highly motivated and exercise consistently. Another 10% refuse to change their sedentary ways. Then there is the vast majority who are trying to improve their health habits but do not feel they are very successful. But, says Mackenzie, "these people are walking when they can ride. They're choosing oil and vinegar over Roquefort dressing. And they've stopped salting their food before they even taste it. I don't see dramatic changes, but I see small, consistent ones. That, to me, is progress." Even if there is still a long road to run.

With reporting by Patricia Delaney/Washington and Barry Kalb/New York, with other bureaus