Thursday, Aug. 07, 2008


Let the Games Begin

Your cover photo of swimmer Dara Torres would also make a great cover for SPORTS ILLUSTRATED's swimsuit edition [Aug. 4]. Best of luck to her in Beijing! C. Lin Jacobson, PASCAGOULA, MISS.

If Torres tests positive for steroid use, then certainly, let's all be disappointed and heap derision on her. For now, may we please celebrate her focus, competitive spirit, discipline and willpower? Nancy Johnson, AUSTIN, TEXAS

I recognize your magazine largely caters to a U.S. audience, but the overrepresentation of U.S. athletes in "100 Olympic Athletes to Watch" may mean that some of your readers will not focus on athletes from other countries who have fascinating stories. Richard Barrett, HONOLULU

Beijing's Obstacle Course

In "The Olympic Challenge," Pico Iyer insinuates that the world will regret awarding China the 2008 Olympics as it did the 1936 Games in Berlin [Aug. 4]. Why even mention that Albert Speer, the son of Hitler's architect, contributed to the design of the event? China is not without indiscretions, but to equate the country with the Nazi regime is reprehensibly unjust. Winston Wang, PRINCETON, N.J.

Mr. Obama Goes to Europe

I enjoyed Karen Tumulty's article on and interview with Senator Barack Obama [Aug. 4]. As a military man who spent some 35 years on active duty or working as a contractor for the U.S. Air Force, I quickly picked up on Obama's response when speaking of the military mission before us: "We still have the most valuable possible resource to get the job done--and that's our men and women in uniform." That statement makes him qualified in my mind to be Commander in Chief. Sid Howard, MIDWEST CITY, OKLA.

McCain Takes the Gloves Off

Re Joe Klein's "blowing his top": The most remarkable thing about John McCain's tirade--"Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign"--was the satisfied grin he had after this despicable charge, as if he had been delighted he managed to make the statement and not mess it up [Aug. 4]. His entire team must have sighed with relief. Gayle Miller, CRESCO, PA.

Remaining Vigilant

Having served almost 10 years in the U.S. Air Force, I am well aware that the U.S. is a target [Aug. 4]. While reading "Postcard: Cheyenne Mountain," I was deeply disturbed that Obama has vowed "to remove U.S. weapons from launch-ready status if elected." Imagine two boxers in a ring, one with his hands tied. Ryan Girardot, CLINTON TOWNSHIP, MICH.

Mamma Mia, That's Good Copy!

I haven't yet seen Mamma Mia!, but if it's half as entertaining as Richard Corliss's review, I will have spent my money well [July 28]. I intend to use the phrase "practically a sequoia" often to describe my own 61-year-old personage. Whether I agree or disagree with his opinion, I will remain grateful to him for an evening's amusement. Patricia W. Gould, NAPERVILLE, ILL.

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