Vol. 171 No. 3
Game On!
(Cover Story / The Well)
Left for dead by the experts, Hillary Clinton and John McCain ride a record turnout to victory in New Hampshire. Here's what's next in a campaign whose only certainty is uncertainty
'I Could Sense the Change Coming'
(The Well / Campaign '08)
'My Age Would Be a Factor at Any Time'
(The Well / Campaign '08)
Fight for the Party Faithful
(The Well / Campaign '08)
The Baptist-heavy state that derailed McCain in 2000 is swooning over Pastor Huckabee
The Tracks of Her Tears
(The Well / Campaign '08)
When Hillary (nearly) wept, women voters saw not just her femininity but also her humanity
Flipping the Script
(The Well / Tuned In)
Late-night talk has returned just in time for the campaign. But some of the rules have changed
How Hillary Learned to Trust Herself
(In The Arena)
Shedding her private dismay that she's not the most charismatic candidate, Clinton allowed her humor--and anger--to peek through
McCain's Independent Streak
(The Well / Commentary)
The GOP needs swing voters to keep the White House. Only one candidate can win them
Extreme Eating
Our reporter goes global--actually, just to Whole Foods--in search of the perfect meal
Our Campaign Staff
Meet the writers, editors and bloggers who bring you TIME's nonpareil芒聙聰and nonstop芒聙聰coverage of the election
Trashing Naples
(Briefing / World Spotlight)
Clemens in a Jam.
(Briefing / The Moment)
Implicated in doping by an old friend, a fastballer fires back
Hormuz Hardball
(Briefing / Washington Memo)
The Demons That Still Haunt Africa
(The Well / World)
Violence in Kenya, one of its most stable nations, shows that the continent's old ills--poverty, corruption, tribalism--are far from cured
Postcard: Pakistan
(Postcard: Pakistan)
It's a wonderful destination, if you don't mind the rioting, looting and general mayhem. Our correspondent gives his tips to the ever hopeful Ministry of Tourism
Vinyl Gets Its Groove Back
(Life: Technology - Living - Health / Technology)
Flashy new discs and that old cozy sound have got the iPod generation giving LPs a spin
Diapers Go Green
(Life: Technology - Living - Health / Living)
Eco-friendly and cost-conscious parents are returning to cloth to cover their babies' bottoms
(Life: Technology - Living - Health / Health)
It must be January, since everyone is on a diet. Ten books that claim to have the skinny on shedding pounds
Lumps In the Cosmos
(The Well / Science)
Something happened eons ago to turn the sea of particles that was the universe into the starry place it is now. New evidence offers clues
My Nose, My Brain, My Faith
(The Well / Science)
This year's awards season will be downsized, but don't let that stop you from catching these outsize acts of skill
(Arts: Movies - Tuned In - Downtime / Downtime)
10 Questions for Madeleine Albright
As Secretary of State, she managed crises from Kosovo to Korea. Her new book counsels the next President on how to restore America's standing in the world. Madeleine Albright will now take your questions
Airing Out Beijing
China's capital has made progress against pollution, but its Olympian effort still might leave some gasping