Thursday, Jan. 03, 2008


The Man Who Tamed Russia

Your selection of Russian president Vladimir Putin as Person of the Year was spot-on [Dec. 31, 2007-Jan. 7, 2008]. Putin may yet become the single most important person of the 21st century. Russia has just begun to tap its natural resources and national potential. Putin's rise to power in 1999 is an astonishing story and was a stroke of genius by an otherwise embarrassing drunk of a President, Boris Yeltsin. Putin is that rare individual who came to govern Russia without the cancerous corruption that seems to plague East European politics. We have watched him grow over the past eight years into a brilliant politician and forceful leader determined to bring his country to the forefront of world affairs. I wouldn't underestimate his capability.

Dan Mitchell, SPARTA, N.J.

How could Putin be Person of the Year in anyone's book? All he's doing is fronting a restyled, repackaged communism characterized by the criminalization of dissent. His political feats of derring-do are irrelevant.

Peter Lomtevas, NEW YORK CITY

Being married to a Russian and having traveled to both Russia and Ukraine over the past 10 years, I must agree with your choice of Putin. He is the first leader I've seen who excites the Russian people. Regardless of the criticisms relating to limits on political opposition, human rights and freedom of the press, Russia is a better place for the Russian people since Putin came to power. A major reason is that better management of its vast resources has produced economic growth. We Americans typically don't like other countries stepping up toe to toe with us, and certainly Putin has ruffled many U.S. feathers. It would be good if the American people could look past their indignation at the situation in Russia and better understand why we have lost prestige in the international community.

Howard Hinman


With its enormous natural resources, Russia is poised to be the dominant country of the 21st century. Before the surge in oil and gas prices, we all thought China would take that role away from the U.S. Now, with Putin's stabilizing hand, it could turn out differently.

David O. Hill, Memphis, Tenn.

Russia might be metamorphosing from Stalinist communism into something milder, but the leadership is still draconian. People with dissenting views have disappeared and died on Putin's watch. You say your selection is not an endorsement, but it has that effect.


You should have named General David Petraeus Person of the Year. Petraeus' handling of the counterinsurgency in Iraq has been nothing but a miracle. When I was deployed there in 2005 and '06, it was clear that we needed to change the way we were fighting. Iraqi officers and leaders told me we needed to get out of the castle mentality and get into the streets with the Iraqis. Petraeus' plan was to do just that, and it has worked.

Michael J. Mawson, Lieut. Colonel, USAF COLORADO SPRINGS

While Putin may be "Tsar of the New Russia," as you called him, he is most definitely its new prince as described by Machiavelli back in the 16th century. Putin has managed his power with a deftness and an intelligence rarely seen in modern statesmen. You have it right; his Russia will be a major element of the 21st century.


This thug is a fast rewind to the old Soviet totalitarian regime (as in KGB) and has been and will continue to be a thorn in the side of the U.S. for years. Why would you choose him? Why not Petraeus, a genuine man and true hero?

Keith Wrigley, QUEENSBURY, N.Y.

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