Vol. 170 No. 27
A Tsar Is Born
(Cover Story / Person of the Year)
Vladimir Putin is no ordinary politician. He is charmless yet adored by his nation. He took a country in chaos and remade it in his own image: tough, aggrieved, defiant. An interview--and dinner--with the man who tamed Russia
A Bible, but No E-Mail
In an interview with TIME, Putin opens a window on his life
Russia Needs Putin
(Person Of The Year / Viewpoint: Mikhail Gorbachev)
His firm hand will smooth the transition to democracy, says the author of Glasnost and Perestroika
Kissinger on Putin: "He thinks he is a reformer."
(Person Of The Year / Interview)
His Place in History
To understand how Putin became a modern icon, look to the heroes--and villains--of Russia's past
In Search Of Russia's Big Idea
as dreamers, drunks, despots and dissidents all battle for Russia's soul
And Moscow Makes Me Sing And Shout
In these boom times, nightlife has moved from dreary to dramatic. Welcome to the new playground of the rich and fabulous
Choosing Order Before Freedom
His final year as Russia's President has been his most successful yet. TIME's 2007 Person of the Year is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
#2 Al Gore
(Person Of The Year Runner-up)
The former Vice President, now a Nobel laureate, has become America's environmental conscience
The Gore Interview
(Person Of The Year Runner-up / Al Gore)
Why he thinks, he's failed--but lives in hope nonetheless
#3 J.K. Rowling
(Person Of The Year Runner-up / J.K. Rowling)
Harry's done, but the best-selling author in history still has some secrets she can finally share
#4 Hu Jintao
(Person Of The Year Runner-up)
China's leader depends on both ancient wisdom and communist doctrine as guides to action
#5 David Petraeus
(Person Of The Year Runner-up)
The commanding general in Iraq fought America's most difficult foreign war--and one at home
These people left us in 2007, but they left us with something
(Pictures Of The Year)
Person of the Year
Individuals can make a difference to history, and Russia's Vladimir Putin, our choice for 2007, proves the point
The Year of Them
You had a great run as Person of the Year 2006. But what have You done for us lately?
Striving Valiantly
The annual Teddy Awards honor bravery--including that shown every day by those in uniform
It's Payback Time
What will history make of 2007? That a lot of Big People met their match in the Little People
10 Questions for Richard Branson
Nicknamed the Rebel Billionaire for his daredevil stunts, the Virgin megabrand founder was just dubbed Citizen of the Year by the U.N. for his eco-advocacy. Richard Branson will now take your questions
Memories of a Bethlehem Christmas
(Postcard: Bethlehem)
In the birthplace of Jesus, Muslims and Christians used to celebrate the season in peace. A TIME correspondent recalls holidays past in a troubled land
How Rolls-Royce Got Its Rebound
(Global Business: World Trade - High Finance - Small Business - Life At The Top / Life At The Top)
New boss BMW restored the luster, while Asia restored the demand for ostentation
Governments Get a SWF Financial Kick
(Global Business: World Trade - High Finance - Small Business - Life At The Top / High Finance)
Funds run by rich states such as Abu Dhabi and Singapore are investing in big banks--and worrying the West
Skin Care Becomes a Seaworthy Idea
(Global Business: World Trade - High Finance - Small Business - Life At The Top / Small Business)
A chance discovery sends a fledgling ballast-water-treatment firm on a beauty detour--skin care
Canada's Loonie Creates a Conundrum
(Global Business: World Trade - High Finance - Small Business - Life At The Top / World Trade)
Shoppers rejoiced when the loonie caught the U.S. dollar--but industry is paying the price
'Tis the Season ...
(Briefing / The Moment)
in Iowa, for buttonholing voters. Message to pols: It's the holidays!
(Briefing / Politics)
South Africa's Zuma-rang
(Briefing / World Spotlight)
Did GIs Sell Guns in Iraq?
(Briefing / Washington Memo)