Vol. 170 No. 23
What Makes Us Moral
(The Well / Science)
Morality and empathy are writ deep in our genes. Alas, so are savagery and bloodlust. Science is now learning what makes us both noble and terrible--and perhaps what can make us better
(The Well / The Year in Medicine From A to Z)
The new stem-cell breakthrough is the scientific bulletin of the year, but 2007 provided a whole alphabet of medical news, as TIME's A-to-Z guide shows
Change of Climate
(The Well / Nation)
With Congress trying to do something about global warming, even the candidates are sensing the new mood
Obama's Iowa Surge
(The Well / Nation)
The Illinois Senator is fired up--most of the time. Will his momentum in Iowa set up a showdown?
It's Inconvenient Being Green
Help! My wasteful habits are giving me a severe case of eco-anxiety
The Tone-Deaf Democrats
Too many of them--in Congress and the presidential campaign--still don't get national security
Jerusalem Divided
(The Well / World)
have to find a way to get along
Postcard: Cornwall
One of Britain's most popular tourist stops is ... a set of domes built in a clay pit? A look at England's burgeoning romance with everything green
No Ho Ho.
(Briefing / The Moment)
Money worries and culture wars make shopping feel like an obstacle course
The $102,000 Debate
(Briefing / Politics)
Washington Memo: New Role for Petraeus
World Spotlight: The Next Killer Cyclone
Facial Yoga
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Health)
Laugh if you like, but these hot new workouts may actually help you look younger
Black Is Beautiful
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Food)
An Asian culinary trend heads west as ebony ingredients begin to show up on fashionable menus
Bring Eco-Power to the People
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Going Green)
Van Jones is on a mission to clean up both pollution and poverty in the inner city
Fighting for the Right to Dry
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Living)
Neighbors are battling over whether the clothesline is an energy saver or an eyesore
Tutors for Toddlers
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Education)
Anxious parents are trying to give their kids an academic edge before they even get to kindergarten
Sunday School for Atheists
(Life: Education - Health - Environment - Food - Religion - Living / Religion)
An oxymoron? Nope nonbelievers need places to teach their kids values too
Peak Possibilities
(The Well / The Curious Capitalist)
Signs abound that oil production may be topping out. Is this the end of the world as we know it?
Is Facebook Overrated?
(The Well / Business)
The cool kid on the Web has everyone's attention, but the social-networking site still needs profits to match its promise
Holiday Movie Roundup
(Holiday Movie Roundup)
Welcome to the 2007 holiday-movie season and TIME's preview thereof
What to seek out and what to avoid this week in entertainment
Who Will Be Person of the Year in 2007?
(Person of The Year)
TIME asked several prominent individuals whom they would choose for the 2007 Person of the Year
10 Questions for Mark Cuban
You may recognize him as the Dallas Mavericks' loudmouth owner. But this tech billionaire has also got rhythm: he recently shimmied his hips on Dancing with the Stars. Mark Cuban will now take your questions
Divine Import
(Pursuits: Taste Of Japan - City Secrets / Taste of Japan)
Premium sake is moving up in the beverage industry as more Americans discover new ways to appreciate an old drink
What's the Buzz?
(Pursuits: Taste Of Japan - City Secrets / City Secrets)
Urban beekeeping is taking flight as swarms of honeybees alight on capitals like London and Paris
The Ultimate Meal
(Pursuits: Taste Of Japan - City Secrets / Taste of Japan)
A reservation at one of Osaka's kaiseki restaurants is also a lesson in true luxury