Thursday, Nov. 08, 2007


'I've been working with these people for 20 years. Without them, I'm not funny. I'm a dead man.'

JAY LENO, Tonight Show host, sympathizing with Hollywood writers on strike

'I don't have anything else to grow.'

MUHAMMAD AYUD, Afghan sharecropper, on growing cannabis after a government campaign wiped out his opium poppies

'This race was all about re-establishing myself for all those people who thought that having a baby would be the end of my career.'

PAULA RADCLIFFE, who won the New York City Marathon nine months after giving birth to daughter Isla

'As I speak, terrorists are ... radicalizing, indoctrinating and grooming young, vulnerable people to carry out acts of terrorism.'

JONATHAN EVANS, chief British domestic-intelligence official, who says at least 2,000 people in Britain actively support terrorism, up 400 from last year

'Mr. Imus has the right to make a living, but we have the right to make sure he does not come back to disrupt our living.'

THE REV. AL SHARPTON, after Citadel Broadcasting Corp. announced that Don Imus would return to airwaves on Dec. 3

'Celebrities are doing the work that journalists are not. We can't afford to be cynical about that.'

MARIANE PEARL (far left), widow of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, praising actors like Angelina Jolie for raising awareness about Africa


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Sources: Los Angeles Times; International Herald Tribune; Guardian; New York Times; AP; Radar