Thursday, Oct. 04, 2007
'She was not the demure, religious, conservative person that they portrayed. That's not the person I knew.'
CLARENCE THOMAS, Supreme Court Justice, who just wrote a memoir, lashing out again after 16 years at former employee Anita Hill
'I will not stand by silently and allow him, in his anger, to reinvent me.'
ANITA HILL, biting back at Thomas, reviving the he-said-she-said of the Justice's 1991 confirmation hearings
'We were completely outnumbered. Our camp was totally destroyed, and they looted everything: guns, trucks, even an armored personnel carrier.'
NOUREDDINE MEZNI, an African Union spokesman, after hundreds of Darfur rebels overran a Union peacekeeping base, killing at least 10 soldiers and kidnapping dozens more
'I'm feeling great, and I have sex almost every day. Almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday ...'
JACK LALANNE, fitness guru, who turned 93 on Sept. 26
'On the surface it looks like it's a mess. It looks like it is an eternal, permanent crisis, but at the same time this is precisely what democracy is about.'
HRYHORY NEMYRYA, foreign policy adviser to Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko, a leader in 2004's "orange revolution," whose allies claim they have enough votes in the Sept. 30 election to oust the Prime Minister and form a new, pro-Western government
'I do hope after my crossing that more people will follow suit.'
ROH MOO-HYUN, President of South Korea, preparing to traverse the border between North and South Korea for the second summit between the two nations since World War II
Sources: CBS; New York Times (2); New York Daily News; BBC; AP