Thursday, Sep. 27, 2007


'I have self-esteem problems. Everybody does. You know, skinny people are allowed to feel s___ about themselves.'

Keira Knightley, Oscar-nominated actress, on being her own worst critic

'Unfortunately, we have too many mosques in this country.'

Peter King, security adviser to presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, on the state of Islam in the U.S. King later said his comment--made as he was talking about too many Americans sympathizing with radical Islamists and not enough Muslim leaders cooperating with law enforcement--was taken out of context

'There is no room for error when working in a dangerous environment, and constant vigilance is of the utmost importance.'

Lieut. Colonel Ed Bush, military spokesman, on the discovery that two Guantanamo detainees were wearing unauthorized underwear and swim trunks. As the Navy investigated the security breach, the attorney representing the Speedo wearer noted that his client "is hardly in a position to go swimming, since the only available water is the toilet in his cell."

'The cost of inaction will far outweigh the cost of early action.'

Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. Secretary-General, speaking to leaders from more than 150 nations at a Sept. 24 meeting to discuss climate change. President Bush, who has argued that strict environmental regulations would hinder economic growth, declined to attend

'I just don't want to end up like Katie Couric. I want people to take me seriously.'

Rachel Smith, Miss USA, on her journalistic aspirations. Couric's spokesman said that if Smith "continues to offer such profound insight, she will not have to worry about anyone taking her seriously."

'The United States doesn't have carrots for us--only sticks.'

Khalil Ibrahim, Darfur rebel leader, on President Bush's call for a cease-fire in Sudan during October peace talks. Ibrahim, who has been personally sanctioned by Washington, called U.S. threats "a trick."


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Sources: Allure; AP; ABC News; New York Times; New York Daily News; Reuters