Vol. 170 No. 6
The Myth About Boys
(The Well / Society)
We've been fretting about them for a decade. But young men are better off, socially and academically, than ever
Waiting For Fred
(The Well / Nation)
His party is in a funk, and there's no clear front runner for the nomination. Can the actor-politician meet great expectations?
Power Outrage
(Life: Travel - Law - History - Living - The Power Of One / The Law)
The Duke lacrosse rape case is fueling one lawyer's crusade to change the way prosecutors do their job
Matters of Morality
(Life: Travel - Law - History - Living - The Power Of One / History)
Americans have always disagreed passionately when science and religion come into conflict
Hillary, the Bran-Muffin Candidate
She is short on Obama-like eloquence, but Clinton is capitalizing on her wonkish precision and tactical savvy
How to Deal with Dictators
Tossing out Musharraf isn't the answer in Pakistan. Here's what the U.S. should do instead
Off the Deep End
This year I finally got a pool. But joining the leisure class has its drawbacks
(Briefing / Dashboard)
Summer Games
(Briefing / The Moment)
The sporting world struggles to play through a season of sin
Under Fire Again
(Briefing / Washington Memo)
France's Diplomacy Play
(Briefing / World Spotlight)
An Ambush in Karbala
(The Well / World)
Five U.S. soldiers died in a brazen attack last winter. Did Iraqi officials aid the killers? A TIME investigation
What a Little Fertilizer Can Do
(The Power Of One)
With higher-yield seeds and other aid, a Tanzanian village pushes back poverty
Antiheroine Chic
(Arts: Television - Movies - Downtime / Television)
Cable's new women can be as good--and bad--as the men
The Simpsons Did It!
After 18 seasons on free TV, the cartoon series comes to the big screen. Pay up. It's worth every penny
Geek God
(Arts: Television - Movies - Downtime / Movies)
Neil Gaiman has been a nerd icon for 20 years. He's finally, reluctantly, going Hollywood with Stardust
Parenting Subcontractors
(Life: Travel - Law - History - Living - The Power Of One / Living)
New firms let you focus on the kids, not kiddie chores
Vacationing like Brangelina
(Life: Travel - Law - History - Living - The Power Of One / Travel)
Does volunteer tourism give people a chance to change the world? Or are they just overpriced guilt trips?
Islands of Life
A warmer world creates a new iceberg ecology
10 Questions for Jon Bon Jovi
( 10 Questions)
The Jersey rock star who has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide is touring in support of his band's latest album, Lost Highway. Jon Bon Jovi will now take your questions