Tuesday, Apr. 17, 2007

Working It

By Barry Blitt

[This article consists of several illustrations. Please see hardcopy or PDF.] The Design Bottom 100 (or however many I can fit on a page)

Pill Dispensers for Grown Baby Boomers Available in House, Patrick Dempsey, and Doctor Phil

TV Crawl Guard Watch the News without being distracted/alarmed by the updates running across the bottom of the screen

Wireless Marionette Wifi ingenuity insures Pinochio never gets tangled up again

Wide-Screen Game Boy Uses the latest IMAX technology

Home MRI A hypochondriac's dream. Fits in most living rooms

Bluetooth Cozy Keeps ear-mounted communication device warm in winter, cool in summer

Tyvek Tyv Tyvek

Eskimo Summer Home Perfect for Global Warming Made with reliable Tyvek