Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007
Signatures have offered hints about politicians ever since, well, John Hancock. Handwriting Research Corp.'s Mark Hopper evaluates the '08 candidates
BARACK OBAMA Wow Great design, speed and motion; he wants attention Big B Sees himself as superior but has talent to back it up
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Sober, serious The calculated precision shows perfectionism; she's more comfortable in control D loop A dislike of personal criticism
JOHN EDWARDS Traditional Very expressive; has to work hard to keep secrets Upper J loop Lacks confidence
RUDY GIULIANI Impressive, polished Able to shift gears Identical i, u, n Very decisive, loves to push forward but difficult to predict
MITT ROMNEY Another wow Quick, creative design shows efficiency Long y Indicates outsize drive but a sense of humor too
JOHN MCCAIN Studious, deliberate Indicates desire to estimate, weigh Triangular j Stubborn, abstract, visionary but narrow