Vol. 169 No. 7
Rice's Toughest Mission
How Condoleezza Rice hopes to bring peace to the Middle East - and salvage the Administration's foreign policy
"This Can Be Done Through Diplomacy"
TIME talks with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Hillary Hits The Hustings
In Iowa, Clinton finds hope and hype. But votes will come harder
Late Bloomer
the Senate, John Warner emerges as a pivotal figure in the Iraq debate
Free Scooter Libby!
If leaks are sacred, why are leakers punished by everyone?
Greenhouse Airlines
(Going Green)
Traveling by jet is a dirty business. As passenger load increases, enviros look for ways to cut back the carbon
The Pope's Right Hand Man
He has the trust of his boss. But does Tarcisio Bertone have what it takes to be the second most powerful Catholic in the world?
Tiger. Jordan. Hawk. Wendel?
As TV warms to pro video-game leagues, the top stars are emerging as big brands
Joe Klein: How the GOP Lost Its Way
(In the Arena)
What's Next
Super Bowl for the Earth
Shooting To Stun
Alas, Still No Sign of Aliens
A Peek Under the Robes
How the Democrats Lost Their Cool
Viewpoint: Their post-midterm maturity, says William Kristol, has given way to presidential posturing
Cut Your Losses, Save Your Legacy
In Iraq, the decider needs to learn to un-decide
Diamonds De Novo
(Global Business)
Brilliant and beautiful, diamonds are destined for more than just jewelry
Curry In a Hurry
(Global Business / Small Business)
How a brash Indian entrepreneur set out to make paneer as familiar as pizza to American shoppers
Bulgaria Beckons
(Global Business)
China Braces For A Bubble
As first-time investors race into a torrid stock market, China's leaders are trying to tame the mania before the game goes bust
Cracking a Real-Life Da Vinci Code
(Letter From Florence)
The only living character from the best seller thinks he's found the Lost Leonardo
Hedge Funds Head for Mediocrity
(The Curious Capitalist)
Alpha hedgie Ed Thorp beat the Street. Most of the new guys won't
How Yahoo! Aims To Reboot
A massive makeover has the slumping Web giant gunning for Google. Here's why it may pay off
A Time Limit on Rape
When a woman says yes and then changes her mind, how fast must a man stop before it's considered a crime?
Pop Culture Finds Lost Boys
They were orphans. Some of them killed. Now the entertainment industry is all over them
Brilliance Beyond the Border
(The Big Picture)
Three Oscar-worthy directors hail from one city--and it isn't Los Angeles
Lost's Sensitive Action Hero
As the ABC hit series returns, star Matthew Fox gets to work on his new paradigm for masculinity
Senior Netizens
Folks in or near retirement are getting wired as never before -- and not just to e-mail the grandkids
Doctors Without Dollars
With diminishing fees and burdensome regulations showing no signs of abating, the world of alternative medical income is exploding
Sizing Up Super Snacks
10 Questions for Bill Gates
Read the story
Zagat's Guide to Life
What the top restaurant review might say about what really matters