Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007
34,452 Number of Iraqis killed last year, according to the first count of individual deaths by the United Nations
13,896 Violent deaths tallied in 2006 by the Iraqi government
118 Number of boys for every 100 girls born in China in 2005, up from 110 in 2000, according to newly released data
15 Number of years before China will have 30 million more men than women
320,000 Number of passports issued in the first week of 2007, a record, by the U.S. State Department in advance of the Jan. 23 deadline that requires a passport for travel between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean
27% Portion of U.S. citizens with passports
$2.5 million Amount a jury awarded a Mississippi couple after State Farm denied a $223,292 claim for a house destroyed by Hurricane Katrina
2,000 Number of Mississippi homeowners who have filed suit against insurers like State Farm
$363.32 Amount a judge ordered Naomi Campbell to pay in restitution for throwing a cell phone at her maid's head
2 Number of days the model has to spend in anger-management classes
Sources: New York Times; AP(3); CNN (2); AP; New York Times (2); Washington Post