Thursday, Jan. 04, 2007
What's Next
Iraq Hearings Begin Congress to explore ways forward
Foreign Relations Committee chair Joseph Biden is set to start hearings on the Iraq war, taking testimony from academics and other witnesses to develop a new bipartisan strategy.
New Passport Laws Stricter regulations go into effect
U.S. air travel gets even more turbulent. Starting Jan. 23, passengers to and from the Caribbean, Canada and Mexico will need a passport. Similar land- and sea-travel rules will follow by June '09.
MacWorld Expo '07 Apple to unveil new products
The innovation factory led by Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils its latest at this week's annual MacWorld Expo. Many expect to see the new Leopard Mac operating system or a mobile-phone iPod.
Aliens Online French agency to publish archive
Even alien encounters are going digital. The French space agency CNES is set to release on the Internet its archive of 1,600 UFO sightings and incidents by late January or mid-February.
Indy Adventure IV A fourquel to film in June
Brandish your whips. George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford announce that production will soon begin on the fourth Indiana Jones film. "The best one yet," says Lucas.