Sunday, Nov. 05, 2006


"The impact is going to be the same as what's been happening in Iraq."

OMAR HASSAN AL-BASHIR, President of Sudan, explaining why his government will not allow a U.N. peacekeeping force in Darfur

"I think George Bush is the most incompetent President we've had in our lifetime. I mean, nobody would accuse President Nixon of being incompetent."

HOWARD DEAN, Democratic National Committee chairman, on the relative merits of the two Republican Presidents

"Our enemies should keep their hostility out of the Persian Gulf."

SARDAR FADAVI, Iranian admiral, on U.S.-led naval exercises in the gulf, which were answered by Iran's test-firing of new missiles

"We just don't like to talk about sex."

JOYCELYN ELDERS, former U.S. Surgeon General, calling for comprehensive sex education in schools and criticizing a Bush Administration plan to spend $50 million on abstinence-only instruction

"I regard him as a freestanding branch of government in this country."

BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC News anchor, on Jon Stewart. Williams called Stewart's Daily Show the "vitamin supplement" to the "main meal" of the network news

"The time will come for a black Bond."

DIDDY, hip-hop star and actor, expressing his desire to play James Bond. Casino Royale, the 21st 007 film, premieres next week, with (white) British actor Daniel Craig in the lead role

Sources: Sudan Tribune; Times Argus; AP; San Francisco Chronicle; Philadelphia Inquirer; BBC

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