Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006


655,000 Civilians estimated to have died in Iraq as a result of the current war, according to a disputed study by researchers at Johns Hopkins and Baghdad's al-Mustansiriya universities

62,000 Estimated Iraqi deaths due to postinvasion violence, according to the Brookings Institution, using data from the U.N. and the nonprofit Iraq Body Count

48,783 Upper estimate of civilian deaths, by Iraq Body Count

$8 billion Estimated cost to U.S. consumers of computer-related crimes, such as identity theft, Internet scams and viral attacks, over the past two years

$500 What it costs to buy a stolen credit-card number--with PIN--on the online black market

0 Number of agents in the FBI's 12,000-strong force whose Arabic skills are equal to those of a native speaker. Just 33 have at least limited proficiency in Arabic

1,400 Number of FBI agents who have at least limited proficiency in a language other than English. Nearly 900 of these agents speak Spanish

185,368 Number of people bumped from airline flights in spring 2006, 40% more than during the same period last year

16.7 Number bumped per 10,000 passengers on Northwest Airlines, which had the highest rate of any major carrier

Sources: Lancet; Brookings Institution; Iraq Body Count; USA Today (2); Washington Post (2); U.S. Department of Transportation; Wall Street Journal