Vol. 168 No. 13
A conflict is no longer quite so unthinkable. Here's how the U.S. would fight such a war--and the huge price it would have to pay to win it
EXCLUSIVE: TIME's face-to-face meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the man whose swagger is stirring fears of war with the U.S.
The Republican Leading the Rebellion Against Bush
Why G.O.P. Senator Lindsey Graham is taking on the President over rules for enemy combatants
A Guide to the Terrorism Bills
The Face of Haditha
Frank Wuterich led the Marines accused of the massacre in Iraq. He talks here for the first time
What Bush's Body Language Means
(White House Memo)
The President's assertive words yield an aggressive posture
Viewpoint: The Pope Has a Point
His take on Islam, however clumsy, raises tough truths about reason and religion
Seeds of Hope
(Features / Environment)
What do you need to create a green revolution in Africa? Women and fertilizer
When a Mother Chooses to Give Away a Newborn
Who Pays for Special Ed
best for their disabled kids. Public schools say they can't handle the cost
Bring On the Bulls
What's Next
The Admiral Vs. the Firefighter
(In The Arena)
New Bird on the Block
Leaks, Lies and the CIA Spy
Who Wears This Stuff
The Ana Log
Live Here and Prosper
Coming Soon to The Tiny Screen
Apple makes it easy to (legally) download films. But it faces stiff competition
A Tale of Two Mothers
Their sons Biggie and Tupac were slain. Now each has embarked on a mission: to honor their son's legacies
Monopoly Is Us
(The Culture Complex)
The board game retools for the Age of Starbucks
5 New Fall Dramas To Put On Your Schedule
(Worth Your Time)
What's worth catching this season? If you like ambitious serials, try these
Obsessive Nerds for $1,000, Alex
Jeopardy! giant Ken Jennings' guided tour of the world of trivia freaks
The Family That Drifts Together
In a wise new novel, life happens, haphazardly
Coming Home Isn't Easy
The best film so far about the cost of war in Iraq
Do Not Adjust Your Set
NBC really is probing the perils of late-night sketch-comedy shows--twice
Flying South For The Winter
Green Tea, Black Coffee
Submit your questions about the health benefits of coffee, tea and brown seaweed
10 Questions for The Edge
Read the story
My Mortal Enemy
Stung by an unruly critic, our superhero book reviewer fights back
Enter the Polish
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / Hot Spots)
Jobs have lured so many Poles to Ireland, they're now the isle's largest group of nonnatives
Q&A Sir Anthony O'Reilly
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / CEO Speaks)
before Ireland. Why the former Heinz CEO is still focused on premium brands
Lenovo's Global Gambit
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / Strategy)
The Chinese PC maker owns its local market. Now it just needs a little outside recognition
What Makes Us Buy?
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / Marketing)
A fast-growing industry called neuromarketing uses science to help marketers understand how we respond to products
A New Hedge For Your House
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / Global Investing)
of investing
People to Watch In International Business
(Time Bonus Section October 2006: Global Business / World Beaters)