Sunday, Aug. 06, 2006


"I'm sure there are aspects of it that are displeasing to almost everyone, but the point is, this is a way to get started, and that's what we hope to do."

JOHN BOLTON, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., on the draft resolution that the U.S. and France agreed on last week, calling for a full cessation of hostilities in Lebanon

"He's in Havana. Where is Mr. Cheney now?"

RICARDO ALARCON, Cuba's National Assembly president, comparing the delayed public appearance of Raul Castro, the ailing Fidel's younger brother and at least temporary successor, with the U.S. Vice President's tendency to slip away to undisclosed locations

"I have never understood the belief of some that you can love employees and hate employers, but that seems to be what's driving this."

GORDON SMITH, Republican Senator from Oregon, on the Democrats' defeating a G.O.P.-crafted bill that tied a minimum-wage increase for the working class--a favorite issue with the Dems--with a federal estate-tax decrease for the wealthy, a cause pushed by Republicans

"Probably ate too many birthday cakes."

GEORGE W. BUSH, who celebrated his 60th on July 6, after results of his annual physical last week revealed that he had gained 5 lbs.

"It could have been the scent of Elvis."

DANIEL MEDLEY, manager of British children's museum Wookey Hole Caves, on why a museum guard dog suddenly ripped apart hundreds of teddy bears in a $900,000 exhibit--including a bear reportedly worth $75,000 that once belonged to Elvis Presley and was on loan from a British aristocrat

For more quotes of the week, visit

Sources: A.P.; New York Times; Washington Post; A.P.; New York Times