Vol. 168 No. 6
Stem Cells: The Hope And The Hype
areas of progress and how breakthroughs can be achieved. TIME sorts it out
The Politics of Science
Democrats smell a political winner in stem cells, but both parties are holding their fire. Will the issue count in November?
The Brawl in California
(Stem-cell Showdown)
The McCains and War: Like Father, Like Son
Exclusive: Vietnam hero and Senator John McCain has unyieldingly backed the Iraq war. Now son Jimmy is heading to boot camp and, maybe, to battle
It's the Condi Rice Show
(White House Memo)
global clout and a high profile. Now she needs some results
"No Light at The End of The Tunnel"
Why the Middle East Crisis Isn't Really About Terrorism
do for Israel and what it should do to Iran
Actually, the Middle East Is Our Crisis Too
part of the global conflict between the U.S. and radical Islam
Why Hizballah Can't Be Disarmed
The militant Shi'ite group has rallied despite Israel's attacks. But can a negotiated solution tame the state within a state?
The Fast Track
Americans. But should we be opening recruiting stations overseas?
Bethany Hamilton
What's Next
Play It Again, Condi
Even Churchill Couldn't Figure Out Iraq
(In the Arena)
It's August? Let's Go to Iowa!
The State of Gay Marriage
The Big Deals Wheel Again
The $30 billion takeover of HCA marks the rise of private-equity firms--and a new buyout wave
Why Teens Are Obsessed With Tanning
young people now
Should We All Run From the Sun?
(Tanning Tips)
Tour de Testosterone
A failed drug test taints cyclist Floyd Landis' heroic victory. Is he flawed, or is the testing?
It's All in the Swoop
Skateboarding, once associated with concrete wastelands and empty parking lots, has inspired a whole new design field. Here's how skate parks became fast, deep, curvaceous and breathtaking
Them's Fighting Words
The author of Million Dollar Baby saved his knockout first novel for the very last round
One Scoop or Two? None
comedy-mystery is missing a couple of key ingredients: comedy and mystery
Fine Movie on a Bad Day
Show Biz Without Glamour
The Impractical Dream
Little Miss Sunshine makes fun of self-help gurus, beauty pageants, Proust and other wide targets
5 Marvelous Movies You May Have Missed
(Worth Your Time)
From the '60s to early 2006, a quintet of underrated films just out on DVD
The Day That Changed... Very Little
we're not as different as we want our 9/11 movies to tell us we are
10 Questions for Willie Nelson
Read the story
Where Have All the Cary Grants Gone?
Note to Hollywood: High-powered women deserve lovers, not losers