Sunday, Nov. 13, 2005

Bruce Vs. Bin Laden

By Rebecca Winters Keegan

Maybe all the war on terrorism needs is a real live pretend action hero. BRUCE WILLIS says he will pay $1 million to any civilian who turns in Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri or Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi. While visiting troops in 2003, Willis promised the same sum to Saddam Hussein's captors. "I've since been told that military men and women cannot accept any reward for the job that they're doing," he told MSNBC's Rita Cosby, who persuaded him to open his wallet for civilians instead. Of course, the U.S. government's $25 million prize for those al-Qaeda leaders hasn't yet led to their capture. But what's really going to make the difference to that tribesman in Waziristan is getting a check handed to him by the guy from Die Hard.