Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005
3 million Estimated number of Pakistanis left homeless by the Oct. 8 earthquake as the Himalayan winter approaches
20% Percentage pledged of $550 million in aid requested by the U.N., which last week said lack of funds might force it to halt airdrops to survivors
$10 billion Exxon Mobil's net earnings last quarter, up 75% over the same period last year
$4 billion Amount in tax breaks given the oil industry in the energy bill passed in August
67,443 Tamiflu prescriptions filled in one week last month in the U.S., nearly quadruple the number for that week last year
18 Days it took for Taiwan to create a generic version of the drug, whose inventor claimed it was too difficult to copy
200 Hunters awarded permits for Maryland's bear-hunting season; nearly 2,000 applied
8 Age of Sierra Stiles, the girl who scored the season's first kill
Sources: New York Times (2); Reuters; Washington Post; AP; Washington Post; AP; Washington Post