Sunday, Apr. 17, 2005
Kwame Kilpatrick / Detroit
By Jyoti Thottam
Equally at home in senior centers and hip-hop concerts, Kwame Kilpatrick, 34, inspired Detroit voters with his energy and determination when he rode into office three years ago. But a cherry red Lincoln Navigator has put a big dent in his reputation. After weeks of denying it, the mayor admitted in January that the city paid $24,995 to lease just such a car for his wife.
That outlay showed what Alan Ehrenhalt, executive editor of Governing Magazine, calls "a tin ear for symbolism," given that Detroit's $230 million budget deficit has prompted the mayor to eliminate 3,000 city positions and end 24-hour bus service. It has not helped that Kilpatrick left undiminished his 21-person security detail (the mayor of Chicago, a city with three times the population, has 15 guards). When Gary Brown, the deputy chief of police internal affairs, opened an investigation into misconduct by the security team, Kilpatrick fired him, ostensibly because Brown did not get his chief's approval for the probe. --By Jyoti Thottam. Reported by Amanda Bower/New York, Joseph R. Szczesny/Detroit and David Thigpen/Chicago
With reporting by Reported by Amanda Bower/New York, Joseph R. Szczesny/Detroit, David Thigpen/Chicago