Vol. 165 No. 3
The New Science of Happiness
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
What makes the human heart sing? Researchers are taking a close look. What they've found may surprise you
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Scientists know plenty about depression. Now they are starting to understand the roots of positive emotion
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
The good news: we're born for fun. The bad news: it's not built to last
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Religious people are less stressed and happier than nonbelievers. Research is beginning to explain why
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Does marriage make you happy? Or do happy people tend to be the marrying kind? The facts about wedded bliss
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Happiness is not cozy. It gleams most vividly against a background of black
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
We all know what it feels like: the delight in a mouthful of chocolate, the afterglow of a good workout. A look at two systems in the brain that, with the right natural or artificial stimulus, conjure
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
If workers feel engaged and content at work, they're more productive. How to make jobs so satisfying that employees want to say ...
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Why we remain keen for green even though it often gives us more social anxiety than satisfaction
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
How American believers allowed themselves everyday joy
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
An extravagantly upbeat writer discovers that even joy has its ups and downs
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
We root like maniacs because we are compelled by our tribal ancestry to do so. And because it's fun
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Why do some children bounce back from adversity better than others--and can that quality be taught?
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
One of America's hottest comics on how he translates sore points into comic relief
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
It's no joke: laughing may be one of nature's cleverest tricks for keeping us healthy and safe
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Where you live, as much as how you live, is a key influence on the feel-good factor
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
(Mind & Body: Happiness)
Long Wait for Justice
The arrest of a Mississippi Klansman reopens one of the South's most infamous unresolved murder cases
Recharging The Mission
The N.A.A.C.P. is looking for a new leader. It also needs to come up with a new sense of purpose
Vices In Vogue
Even though old-line porn magazines have fallen off, the publishing industry has plenty of vices to cater to
Where's the Outrage?
(In The Arena)
Didn't you just know that if the U.S. ever sank so low as to provide a legal rationale for torture, it would be gift-wrapped in the American dream?
Performance Of The Week
A Stealth Campaign
Three weeks before the election, Iraqi candidates still can't make themselves well-known for fear of violence
Fake News
Armstrong Williams of USA Today admits being paid for positive coverage by the Department of Education
51 Years Ago In Time
On-call designated drivers, via scooter
Homeless Bound?
The number of homeless vets of the war in Iraq is growing
In Pakistan, A Suspect Disappears
One of the men who conspired to kill President Pervez Musharraf has escaped
A Wake-Up Call For Directors
The once-cushy corporate board job could bring a new level of personal financial responsibility
Dr. Frankenstein, Come On In
Body Worlds brings inner beauty to life in an anatomical exhibit
What the President Reads
(Washington Memo)
George Bush is famously anti-intellectual. But he seeks out authors who share his views and looks for reassurance
The Torture Files
The Gonzales hearings reopened painful questions: How did abuses at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere happen? And what standards are we now following?
Who Gets Punished?
The high-ranking officials with ties to the Abu Ghraib abuses haven't always faced discipline
Where Are the New Recruits?
Critical to the war effort in Iraq, the National Guard and Army Reserve are drawing fewer enlistees. Will the troop shortage worsen?
Race Against Time
As global charity surges, aid workers hit the ground in Asia. An inside look at the rush to beat disease, hunger and the destruction of the tsunami
How to ID the Bodies
(Tsunami / Forensics)
The forensic science of processing and identifying the dead
Orphaned by the Ocean
(Tsunami / The Children)
The tragedy of the tsunami's child victims
How Much Will Really Go to the Victims?
(Tsunami / Foreign Aid)
The initial aid pledges were generous, but governments will have to follow up on their word
Lost Apes Of The Congo
A TIME reporter travels deep into the African jungle in search of a mysterious chimp called the lion killer
An American Tsunami?
There's no cause for panic, but the next big wave could be triggered by a fault in the Pacific Northwest
Is Small the Next Big Thing?
America still loves large cars, but the auto industry is hedging its bets. With knockout style, a fleet of sexy little cars is on the way
Showtime in Detroit
Small may be hip, but heavy metal and horsepower are what rev Detroit
Here Come the Really Cheap Cars
(Made in China)
Look for Chinese imports to be the newest in economy cars
Welcome to His Unreality
Hit network shows aren't supposed to be weird or complicated. But for J.J. Abrams, the creator of Alias and Lost, the brainy popcorn is paying off
Too Black, Too Strong
A Ken Burns documentary reveals a champ whose individualism ignited his rise--and his downfall
An Office Romance
In Good Company makes good comedy from the ups and downs of surviving in today's business world
Quiet Venom
Al Pacino is smartly low-key in a new Merchant
All the President's Men
A new book says Abraham Lincoln was gay. Was he, or did he just have some really close male friends?
Getting Plugged In
A look at the hottest trends at this year's Consumer Electronics Show
Should You Be Tested?
CRP is just as bad for your heart as cholesterol. Do you know your level?
Diet Bake-Off
Bashful is in the Eye Of The Beholder
Bad Drug Day
Watch Your Wallet!
More employers are checking out the credit histories of job applicants
Keeping Your Real Estate Expectations Realistic
Q&A John Leguizamo
CNN Says It's All Tuckered Out on Debate Programs. Rebuttal!
Why Is Mickey Rooney Bummed?
Oceans Apart
Read the story
The Art of Unhappiness
Why are creative types skeptical of joy? Because somebody has to be